
Saudi Arabia isn’t responsible for 9/11. There’s evidence that some elements of their government may have helped to facilitate. But it’s far from certain and in any case, the core responsibility is squarely on the shoulders of Al Qaeda and their strategic planning mechanism. 

If you’ve ever worked in major retail or really, in the on-your-feet service industry at any level, I believe you will find this show incredibly accurate, charming, cutting, and maybe even a little mournful all at the same time. I hate the way this word is overused, but it feels authentic to that experience, for me at

This is a massive, pervasive societal problem for us. How do we protect young people from inadvertently ruining their lives simply because they did something dumb while they were still developing a clear view of the world? It’s an insane problem for insane times.

The spa shooter is not going to be acquitted. There is zero chance of this. 

The problem is that they aren’t advancing meaningful alternatives.

Just more of the same. There’s a disconnect. Defund the police only has support from a small group of activists and a lot of wealthy white people in NYC; the people in the communities actually impacted by the crime, and their representatives, are calling for reform because they believe they still NEED police. This

There’s far more than that one incident. The only takeaway here is that Asian Americans are being killed at an alarming rate. A number of the attackers were in fact Black. This being a white dude doesn’t change that. Rather than reveling in the killer’s race, think about sympathizing with the victims. You sound like a

So I checked the sources you cited, and there’s some misrepresentation here.

Exactly right. 

First, pretty much every recent study on narcissists indicate that they are MORE, not less successful. A cursory Google search will reveal this, but here’s one of many examples:

You may be surprised to find that being white doesn’t make you economically successful by default. So, the premise that white people who aren’t wealthy or economically successful are that way because they “messed up their finances” is profoundly classist and elitist.

Exactly. Doesn’t matter the extent to which mental health played a role here. You nailed it -- he’s a public danger, to himself and others. To hear her tell it, the switch flipped. That’s exactly the sort of person who needs to be managed by the state. 

This is because you understand the story vs. forcing yourself into the story. 

The Jedi hardline interpretation of attachments only applies to the Order, not to society at large. This is because it is overwhelmingly true that if you are in love with someone, they become your world, your everything, your priority. This can lead to possessiveness, obsession, or control...or it can simply cloud

Except that Anakin IS an imperialist and an authoritarian from the beginning — he expresses this in no uncertain terms, through words and you know, that whole willingness to commit mass murder. It is his emotional nature, his passion, and need to possess and control the things he loves that lead to his fall. The

People are using Anakin as a cipher for their own emotional relationship to the story”

I wonder if the people who are so incessantly critical of the concept of nonattached love, of compassion as an ideal that transcends the pitfalls and even obsessions that are inextricably bound up in romantic love, recognize that they are injecting a profoundly modern, profoundly western perspective? The connection to

Problem is it’s bonded to her skin. 

Nick Cannon, anti-Semite who expresses conspiratorial theories on the “true” origins of the Jewish people and the role of modern Jewry in global oppression, rehabilitated by The Root and Viacom for expressing contrition and engaging with Jewish leaders.

The implication is that before “twerking” you should take time to consider your goals, and decide whether or not you’re participating in a fad or learning about a new culture. This is a ridiculous assertion. First, “twerking” is a form of cultural synthesis, not the expression of a single culture or people. “West