
Um, yeah, his badassery was out in the open right in the beginning when he’s literally carrying a fucking tree home to chop into firewood.

This asshat is stationed at the same base as the asshat a few weeks ago hassling a dude on the sidewalk in his neighborhood.

“All lives matter” “Black lives don’t matter”

Doesn’t matter. His CO’s, CO will be doing the leaning no matter what.

How many of these public encounters with white supremacist asshole start with alcohol and/or drugs? Yes, I know that they racist assholes but without the chemicals they might have the ability to control themselves better.

I’m sorry, but I think the officer didn’t have much choice. She had a knife in her hand. She was lunging to stab the girl in pink. That is not a taser situation. Tasers do not instantly stop people, and they do not always work.

Trying to figure out if I’m a closet narcissist because I immediately clicked this article because I needed to confirm that I’m not exhibiting narcissistic symptoms.

The video seems to show why you want an experienced and trained officer, he clearly shot center mass and protected someone in urgent danger. This is why police train, to make the right decisions, not pull out a taser that turns out to be a gun and kill someone. Your average person could never make that shot.

Wish people were also empathetic to the girl instead of thinking she got what was coming. She approached the first girl with a knife, pushed her down and did not stab her. She approached the other girl with a knife and swung. But she was not a terrorist or a cartel killer trained to execute people with knives. She was

I hope Mos/Yasiin is using this paycheck to pay his child support

White guys hiring each other over a beer and a handshake but try to hire another black person and all of a sudden the hiring committee needs a full resume verification and three interviews before they decide to put the hire on hold an re-evaluate the position.

Watching the video, I can’t really fault the cop. He was called to the scene with reports of a person with a knife trying to stab people, he arrives, gives commands to stop, a fight ensues and he sees a person with a knife about to stab another person. If I was about to get stabbed, I’d want that cop shooting them.

According to Cucker Farlson, Rittenhouse was a scared widdle 17-year old boy walking around late at night with a gun but Adam Toledo was a scary 13-year old man walking around late at night with a gun.

This sucks.

There was no time for the officer to have chosen another course such as pulling his baton and disarming the the young women instead before at least one stab if not more. I do believe that officers choose to shoot way to often out of too much fear that has been trained into them. However, in this situation no option

“This was a trial about whether the media was powerful enough to create a simulation and decide upon a narrative absent any facts.”

She was literally about to stab someone with a knife.

Yo, fuck florida.

Why didn’t anyone in the crowd try to intervene and deescalate this situation. After all she was just a kid.  People know what dialing 911 in this day and age can lead to. If you really want to defund the police you first have to stop calling them. When their call volume drops you have data that shows you don’t need

Are you kidding ?