
Thank you. I have literally nothing to add.

Wow. Really quick to give this dude a pass for the foul shit he said, frame him up as a champion for “underserved communities”, and ignore the fact that he’s changed his tune purely to preserve his relevance and professional opportunities. Didn’t he double down on this shit not that long ago? 

There is a lot of complexity, and things wrong around collegiate athletics.”

Guarantee you one of the primary groups of people buying this game will be current NCAAA athletes. I’ve been there, and kids love seeing themselves in a game. When you grow up with these games, you want to put yourselves, your friends, in them. It’s extremely gratifying. I bet that most players will be downloading

You could still build players, and edit any existing ones. EA stopped allowing you to create a new franchise from whole cloth, but they allowed you to pick from dozens of preloaded made-up franchises if you moved your team to a new city within franchise mode (3 teams associated with each of about 12 cities, with 3

I agree that there is a clear danger to society, and to Black folks in particular when cops feel threatened or on edge. I guess the reality is for me, the implication of this statement “sure did lead to even more black people getting murdered by cops” is pretty clear, and if it’s not something that has actually

I am familiar with that tragedy. I am asking about where you got the information that informed the statement you made earlier, which is that BLM protests have resulted in more Black people being killed by cops. If what you meant to do was reference this individual incident, then I’ll retract my question. Simply wasn’t

Did BLM protests lead to more Black people being killed by cops? Is this true? Where does this information come from?

Thank you. I needed to see that others were as critical of this piece. Conflating people who are forced to work outside the home with people who choose to eat out regularly, not wear masks in public, or travel for large holiday gatherings is just plain silly.

I think you’re confused. Neither of these were false flags. 

Ahh.  A fool. 

Given that it’s widely known and accepted that these ongoing protests are being driven by the extreme left, will you admit your fault? Denying their political adherence is just as silly as all the Trumpers acting like antifa was behind the Capitol riots. We know who these people are, they’ve made it very clear now and

So you think this is a false flag? Highly unlikely. These protests are ongoing, nothing new. 

This isn’t a right wing riot. Unfortunately, it does play into the hands of right wing peddlers of misinformation. 


Occam’s Razor dictates that the simplest explanation is the best — Simplest here is that the people are what they claim to be, not that the alt-right has infiltrated a months-long protest driven by extreme left, anarchist groups. These actions aren’t new, they are ongoing. Thus, it follows that the perpetrators are

Ehh, humanity is violent. Whoever has power most of all.

By all means, feel free to keep your bullshit opinions to yourself from here on out. 

What’s amusing is that you seem to think I am defending the guy’s politics. I am not. Trump is a cancer. I fear, deeply, fascist infiltration within our security apparatus. However, your post lacks logical coherence and betrays your simple-minded, reductive thinking. This guy died doing the right thing, even if his
