
So the cop was killed fighting an attempted coup and because he was a Trump supporter his life had no value? And I am guessing you think he supported the people who killed him?

If it was coordinated with the Capitol Police, then they did a very poor job because apparently half of them didn’t get the memo. They got Congress to safety, and the only people harmed were 50-some cops and one of the terrorists.

In what way has it succeeded? Unless you know something about what’s coming, you’ve got to explain this statement.

DC police are only about 1/3 white, so I don’t know that the narrative that this was “white-on-white” holds any water. In fact, I know it doesn’t. The individual officers largely did the best they could. I am aware of some questionable videos, but I have seen large umbers of police being violently attacked and

This is dope, groundbreaking, and overdue. 

Christ. Thank you for your logic. 

Barack himself found out all about white women”

Those Black men, and the ones who quietly or vociferously defend their betrayal (and their fucked up offspring who, coincidentally, ALSO defend their advantage while vehemently denying the privilege society grants them”)

Well clearly that’s not what these churches believe, otherwise they wouldn’t be requesting the protection. I am not arguing with you about the larger structural racism of policing in America — I think this is well known. However, your premise is that the DC police won’t provide protection in the event of open

Might be bigger than I realize, but I don’t think that they have the structure to be a reliable security presence in this environment. I also think it’s much more likely that the Black church will put their faith in DC police than most commenters realize. Again, I could be wrong. But based on what’s been said so far,

The primarily Black police force in DC? Lol, okay. I am sure that is the case. Footage from the last bout of unrest shows the PB’s shouting a lot of rage and vitriol at the police for keeping them from BLM and Antifa. The DC police are not an anti-racist organization, but neither are they going to willfully allow

DC Police are more than 50% Black and only 35% white. I doubt they identify with “Yall Qaeda” and in fact, during the last bout of unrest they were pretty effective at limiting violence between opposed groups. 

This is the most hilarious take on history I’ve ever heard. Christianity has plenty of blood on its hands, but you’ve completely failed in your attempt to make a cogent argument. 

I don’t think you know much about DC police. Only 35% white, more than 50% Black, and as video evidence shows, largely controlled the PBs and others during the last round. Impossible for them to be perfect, they did the best they could to keep the sides separate. Really pissed the PBs off. Tons of video to this

Tiny, and their leader is in prison. Not to mention, Black churches are unlikely to hire explicitly militant third parties to protect their property. It could happen, but it would be a surprise. 

Not just Latino. Afro-Latinx. He’s got to prove his bonafides having barely survived an attempted coup by more overt...cultural the paramilitary wing.

That’s true, but the article still misses the mark here. The way the US Census classifies people of Hispanic descent is outdated and wrong, and doesn’t reflect the actual racial realities of those nations. Reality is that Hispanic people are essentially forced to choose “white” or “black” as their race, when the


It is true. Do me a favor and go learn about haplogroup J and E1b1b; hell spend some time with the Rs while you’re at it. While there’s no perfect line between haplogroups and race, the reality is that phenotypes across the Mediterranean, and extending into West Asia, are broadly similar. I already know based on your

That’s fair. I find that the article takes a clear side in this, and that’s mostly what I am responding to. I believe Roberts experienced exactly what he said he experienced. I do think the conclusions, and the way they are dealt with here, are questionable. By Roberts’ own accounting, Larter expressed discomfort not