
Ah yes, accuse me of tying Black struggle to looting, and then leave off with “I said what I said” instead of acknowledging the fact that I quoted the article. Well played. 

Nothing “trollish” about my post, other than the fact it calls into question the validity of the perspective in the article. I’m sorry, but this story is all about perspective and opinion, there is no objective fact here. Thus, it is open to interpretation.

Is it possible that she was tired of being asked to do seduction scenes, and that the perspective of another man on her previous openness might have been, say, skewed? Is it possible that having your straps undone makes some women less comfortable than being in lingerie? Or does “believe women” only apply in some

No worries, appreciate the shout

Paul is 6'1"

Does he have the reach advantage? Paul is taller.

Robinson went to college on a football scholarship but switched to basketball, so while he did not play in the NFL, he was a talented football player. As for his build, he’s built more like an NFL corner at 5'9" 181. In this case, Robinson is the stockier man (Paul is 6'1" 185). The issue here has very little to do

If the violence of the popular uprising ends up breaking along tribal and regional lines, (e.g. support for the Senussi in Cyrenaica), and if that outcome is inevitable, then the difference becomes moot, inevitably, c.f. most Civil Wars in the region.”

Don’t move the goalposts. Maybe we need to reset the confines of this discussion. You told me I was conflating civil war and popular revolution. Your response that the violence broke along tribal lines is both incomplete - violence has broken across political and ideological, as much as tribal, lines...I don’t know

Obama’s only mistake - something he recognized after the fact - was not following up to support a peaceful transition.”

Your assessment of Libya is wildly off-base. As you may know, there was a popular revolution happening there. We supported it, rightly. Omitting this fact is telling, because it undercuts your thesis that Libya was stable. Stable regimes are not engaged in revolutionary civil war. Obama’s only mistake - something he

I think it’s absolutely possible for Dems to both address those local concerns so those moderate voters from that largest voting demographic come out to vote for them, and to do so in a way that does not compromise the concerns of voter blocs elsewhere, which is what this all is about in the end.”

Lol write=right. Damned autocorrect. 

You have a perspective on Rowling that is informed by your distaste for her comments, clearly. Asserting that anyone who disagrees with your specific interpretation of her work is stupid and racist is the height of narcissistic hubris. If YOU knew a single thing about European mythology, you would know how stupid your

They are not coded Jewish in the books. They are goblins. In European myth, goblins are often hoarders obsessed with shiny things.

Could not be said better. 

Trump received more votes because a larger number of conservatives came out and voted. Very few republicans decamped, and more came out, this is not in dispute. However, in terms of voter share Trump absolutely did not pick up moderates and independents. Biden won because he turned HRC’s narrow victory among moderates

I haven’t heard that. My understanding is that the Biden program is going to be a fairly straightforward mix of progressive and moderate policy. As for the math, you’re right that it depends entirely on the state. My point is really about what you tend to see in the places that are contested, and what you see in most

Exit polls do account for mail-in ballots according to NYT.

For real, by tagging me as a troll you undermine everything I have said or will say -- you’ve got all the power in this space, as you are well aware. You’ve got no basis for this other than the fact I got into an argument over exit poll data? I made no personal insults, I did not advocate for any illiberal cause. At