
100% not a troll. I’ve been commenting here for years. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don’t. Hell, we’ve agreed multiple times in the past, so that cuts a bit deep, to be honest. I can be a little combative at times, sure, but that’s not exactly different from many of the other commenters here. We have strong

Exit polls are conducted by phone as well to account for this, expressly, but it is true that they will be skewed a bit. However, given that the percentages in say, PA, of moderates, dems, independents, whites, blacks, etc. as a share of the vote are largely stable from last cycle, and given that these exit polls

Not sure what your point is here. I am not defending the republicans, or McTreason. I am making a point about the way Biden is going to have to govern based on the realities of the environment he inherits. He will need to make compromises in order to drive elements of his agenda. Some things he can do without

The majority of white people don’t vote democrat, but the majority of those who vote democrat are in fact white.

In an age where no one reads past the headlines and people rely on Twitter for news, it’s foolish to expect a largely moderate country to understand and support “Defund the Police.” Of course the slogan isn’t about abolition, but it’s easy for bad actors to draw that line in order to get others riled up. The fact is


Thanks for your opinions. I’ll stick to the data. 

Increase in total number of black voters in battleground states other than GA was overshadowed by overall increase in turnout, simply because of Black people’s small share of the overall population. Share of Black voters in Michigan fell 5% points from 2016 to 2020 even as overall turnout increased, and Biden won a

Let’s try this again. If we’re talking about “totals” the point I am making becomes more salient, because far, far more white people voted for Biden than any other group. This is especially true in the Blue Wall, where the population, and to an even greater extent, the voting population, is overwhelming white.

Incorrect. Check exit polls and cross reference relative to 2016. Biden lost black voter share in Michigan, increased among whites; lost Latino voter share in Wisconsin, stable among blacks increased among whites; stable in PA among Blacks with slight uptick among Hispanics and increase among whites. This isn’t rocket

Actually this election cycle hinged on the moderate vote, and on whites in key battlegrounds — Biden was largely stable among POC, with a slight decline overall, while he picked up a larger percentage of white and suburban voters relative to HRC. Understand that I am referring to what changed between 2016 and 2020,

I think you’re probably right. Biden has to push his agenda, but in order to get the agenda done, there will need to be compromises. This isn’t about what we want, it’s about the strategy of making anything happen at all.

You’re completely correct of course. But this isn’t a dictatorship and it’s unlikely that we will control the senate. You don’t have to like people to compromise with them in pursuit of better outcomes. Everyone hates incrementalism, but most progress is incremental, especially in a country where 145 million voters

This picture has to be one of the best wins of 2020. You can’t make this shit up. I want to know who the campaign tasked with putting up all those Trump stickers behind the podium in a last ditch attempt to affect a shred of dignity. 

You show me a couple that loves each other just because and I can show you one where the white partner is “colorblind” or the non-white partner has distinctly negative attitudes about their own race/ethnicity.”

Pennsylvania voters were 86% white, 41% moderate, 20% independent.

Thanks for this additional detail. My point extended beyond Latinos, as it’s minority vote in general, but this is good information. 

Sorry. I felt the same way about your previous reply. If that wasn’t your intent, I apologize. I’ll back off. 

Lol, if you think that pointing out that Trump support is down among whites relative to 2016, that Biden annihilated Clinton’s vote share among college educated white women, and that comparing white voters in the middle of the country to those on the coasts is the same as crying out about “not all white people” then

Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are largely moderate states whose populations are all more than 77% white. Wisconsin is 85% white. Please explain how the dems win these states without increasing their share of the white vote relative to 2016? I can already tell you, they couldn’t. Exit polls bear this out. Kinja