
White progressives, the working poor and people of color can win year after year for Democrats if they can shake their desire for white moderates.”

They’re not confined to Florida. If you take issue with that term I’d probably listen to your argument, and I always appreciate your thoughts, but the article I provided shows clear evidence that this trend has been happening for years — fewer white voters as a share of the electorate are backing the right while more

Not period. You’re right about the overall totals, but white women with college degrees backed Biden by about 40 percentage points according to the last exit poll I saw — that’s a massive gap. And further, it depends on where you live. Hell in California, a majority of white people period voted for Biden. Treating

Across the country, yes. Where it matters? No.

Not sure you understand the point here. Yes, the black vote is critical, and again NO ONE IS DISPUTING THAT, but frankly if you eliminate white voters from the mix, or if you drastically underperform among them, you can’t win. Math is simple as it’s a larger block — the 650k Black voters that Biden has now are

Just to put this in perspective, in Pennsylvania Biden’s current vote share is about 3.1 million; based on exit polling, which shows his share of the white vote at about 43%, white voters represent 2.2 million of his total count. Black voters are at 92% for Biden, and account for 650k of his count. That’s significant,

How did it not work enough? He needed the blue wall, and he got it. In a divided country you have to be strategic. Biden knew he could largely count on the Black vote, but without flipping a sizable number of whites and independents overall he would not be able to win the states Clinton lost. Why do you see these

Agreed. It’s baffling. 

From what I’ve seen Biden has largely controlled the independent vote, and this has been instrumental to the success he’s had. Oakland and Kent counties in Michigan stand out as critical examples. No one is disputing the critical importance of the Black and Hispanic vote. However, it’s also clear that the dip in

Except that the polls, the research, and the data back this statement. Don’t mistake my post. This “White people are still the driving force behind Trump’s rise and the destructive impulses of American society” is a fact I am not shying away from. But there’s more to the story. Read the article and look at the polls

If you mean that the overall story of the election is that racist whites are the core driver of Trumpian populism, and of the right wing agenda overall, and that Blacks remain the core of the democratic party, then obviously you’re correct. I am not arguing against that. However, it’s also true that there is a

What I meant was obvious. I’m sorry you’re having trouble keeping up. The phrasing was vague but not strictly incorrect. 

White vote for Trump is down, just as it was down in 2016 relative to 2012. So while more people voted for him, including more white people, than last time, the percentage of whites who voted for him was lower (again).

Important question, and a great point. 

I’m not surprised that there are cops who believe Hitler can provide meaningful and important guidance for the application of violence. I am surprised they let this get out so easily. The only thing that protects us from these assholes is that a great many of them are profoundly stupid and/or blinded by the hubris

People have held their breath for more than 20 minutes. A lot of commenters seem really salty about this claim, which would almost certainly be called out in minutes if false. It’s not as though preserving Winslet’s claim is a matter of national security. It’s as though they forget that these people have nothing but

Her father is Native American

The problem is that the article implies that the affection for fall has its roots in an idealized white femininity versus oh, I don’t know, the harvest, a period of moderate temps and plentiful food in between the extremes of summer and winter, the fact that fall foliage is objectively beautiful...

Thank you. I don’t know if I will recover the brain cells I lost reading this.