A Certain Idiot

Well, hydrogen fuel cells were a thing for a while...

You greatly underestimate the power of promising your constituents the moon to get elected.

Until emissions regs DIRECTLY affect consumers, these issues will continue to be a problem. In Europe they tax the consumer directly, and on average they buy much more environmentally friendly cars over there.

Then wait for the port that’ll eventually come instead of asking for this on NSO.

As opposed to the half-dozen other ports and releases of Chrono Trigger and FFVI out there?

That ain’t politics, that’s SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS

Meanwhile, nobody cares.

There’s actually a brand of bread maker that attests some Biblical nature to their ancient grain breads. Forget their name usually see them in the frozen foods section with the other gluten-free.

Pretty sure if that had happened, that racist mafioso Matteo Salvini would make a stink of it, and Italy would lose its shit (important to remember that he recently attempted to call early elections precisely because he was likely to win).

Yeah. That’s why I think the cops “put kid gloves on,” and not because of what certain people suggested when the news broke. It’s especially relevant that the chase involved him running around naked and continuing to be violent throughout. It suggests the kid had a schizophrenic episode and exploded.

Smokey, this is not ‘Nam. This is football. There are rules.

The screenshots...they’re incredibly anachronistic. I see fashions from the current time period, the bedroom looks more like something you see today than in 1987 (on an interior design basis), the haircut looks ambiguously generic and not representative of the period.

I doubt this’ll escape the grays, but I think you’re on to something when you say this:

Why isn’t this being done? Deadspin, redeem yourselves!

Is that the opinion of the entire staff of the Baltimore County School Board?


I’m talking about their latest debacle, in which they’ve been giving away DOOM for free...except now it requires connecting to

Eh, the two new Wolfensteins are a mixed bag. I wouldn’t perch your praise on that.

+1 Cardassian genocide

Your friendly reminder that Cal Ripken is on the board of directors of ZeniMax Media, the owner of Bethesda Softworks, the developer of such excrement as Fallout 76; and responsible for making you sign on to their shitty-ass network to play fucking DOOM. Not recent remake DOOM, mind you, the original DOOM from 1993.