...Is there a paragraph missing from this article?
...Is there a paragraph missing from this article?
I still find it hard to believe he’s 33. I’m his age, and I look 20 years younger than him
Your entire problem is that you can’t accept social justice as being a flawed force in and of itself. You throw out whataboutism without showing any clue what it actually means. You create strawmen of various figures and subjects that have nothing to do with this matter. You refuse to consider that Colin Kaepernick…
What you ironically present here is the chief distinction between social justice and, you know, actual left-wing/anti-capitalist thinking: People who stand for social justice often don’t care about economics, even though those economics often create the conditions for institutionalized oppression. As long as an agent…
I would put a star to that, but it’s already at the perfect number for such humor. Nice.
The Hard Times, friend to all
And most of those “success stories” don’t function as a replacement for light or heavy rail. They’re used for specific situations. More often than not, the reason BRT is floated as an option is because cities/regions don’t want to stomach the cost of actual infrastructure (unless it’s a “prestige” thing). (Not to…
There are already enough cops in the world who love searching for small, irrelevant infringements to “prove” why good things are actually bad. We don’t need the great game of soccer enlisting every one of its fans into those miserable ranks.
You know, watching you insult and bitch about Melo is rather telling about where you actually stand.
Bus rapid transit is a cop-out in most cases. In very few cases, it functions close to an alternative to maybe light rail. But most of the time, the reason it’s “pretty inexpensive” is that it’s literally just “an express bus route with a couple specially built bus stops.” You could essentially get the results of BRT…
Except Lin hasn’t been good since his time at the Knicks either. He was an extremely situational player, and the situation he got himself in turned out to be very favorable. It hasn’t happened again because the game has changed.
Counterpoint: Jeremy Lin was never that good. He was overhyped by way too many people for various different reasons, a lot of them bad.
Well, you gotta maintain access somehow.
Don’t you mean “I hope he fares better than Tim Tebow?”
Is it bizarre I remember Space World? Or is it just an indication I’m old or something?
Eeeeh, Erdogan’s home club is Kasımpaşa, where he played as a younger man. Though, supposedly Fenerbahce actually wanted him to play, and he was prevented from doing so by his father. (Take that latter sentence with a massive grain of salt, though, since it came from a pro-AKP paper)
Funny how this comment is right below the comment thread about how that Deadspin article was poorly researched, clickbait-heavy, and overall an extremely bad take by a writer who is not a regular member of the Deadspin staff.
I remember my dad once talking about how he “didn’t get” NASCAR. He was a typical sports fan, and he understood how F1 and other similar races worked (it helped that one of my uncles had the Andrettis as neighbors at one point). But NASCAR as a whole never made sense to him, because it just seemed like the drivers…