many people who have no identity of their own
many people who have no identity of their own
With all due respect, you definitely have a point about the mentality, but with one big flaw: Nintendo’s cash reserves, while very good, are much smaller than Sony’s or MS’s.
I think it’s also a simple matter of infrastructure investment. They would need to create and own the data centers to make this stuff work, they can’t just lease off AWS or some third party. That’s a pretty penny to spend on such a thing. We’re talking maybe hundreds of millions, if not at least a billion to develop…
To be fair, I was never big on Adult Swim (watched it a bit in my college years, then stopped...and this was before live-action became dominant on the block), but I always found their games at least worth poking at, especially Robot Unicorn Attack (and now I got that song stuck in my head) and Duck Game.
For my weekender game, I’m probably going to play Head Lander, a short Metroidvania involving a flying disembodied head from many moons ago. It was published by the Adult Swim folks.
You scale back oil and gas subsidies...well, you’d break apart the economy. Then this country would be in a world of pain.
I give you this star from a wormhole
I would say No Man’s Sky is the biggest drama of the 2010s. Presented itself (inadvertently) as the biggest thing, got brought low by its release failing to meet expectations, spent years recovering to the point that it not only became the game people wanted it to be, but more.
An argument I’ve heard from the other side (I’m not saying I support it): As the world’s policeman, it is our duty to have an expansive military apparatus to combat against possible national (China and Russia, Iran maybe?) and sub-national (Islamist terrorist groups) threats to ourselves, allies, and national interests…
There’s also Discord. Nobody here is talking it, but every forum I’ve seen seems to have either migrated to Discord, or at least have a “parallel” forum and Discord thing going on.
Is this going to turn into a situation where, 200 hours later, you post a negative review on Steam?
I think that’s an unfair comparison to make. For one, Control all but qualifies as a AAA title. To compare it (likely developed by more than 200 people) to an indie game made by a staff of 4 people is off-base at best. (The same goes with comparing Control to Disco Elysium)
I dunno, Untitled Goose Game was extremely popular at launch on both PC and Switch. It’s an extremely accessible game designed to cover a broad audience. Quite a bit of the non-gaming press picked up on it too.
Never underestimate the power of the mole people
The customers want to be treated like cattle, paying as little for a flight as possible.
You wrote your entire post to make yourself look more interesting than you actually are. Your choices as written are not based around anything other than your whims, and when a suggestion was offered to you that addresses the problems your preferences present, you create another self-imposed obstacle (and not a…
In which case you’re just being arbitrary for the sake of being arbitrary.
Ummm, I don’t know if you caught this, but BoF was a launch title for SNES Online library for Nintendo Switch Online. And, like other titles in the S/NES Online catalogue, you can create save states and even rewind. Soooo, you really have no excuses to not play it again.
I don’t like Ghosn, but honestly the whole thing is more than one rich scuzzball. Abe and the Japanese government are most certainly protecting their rich boys from any sort of prosecution, even though they’re likely engaging in things similar to what Ghosn did. Similarly, I suspect Macron and the French pulled out the…
One caveat: We’re comparing official numbers from the CPC (plus other sources) vs. an estimate from the CDC.