Hubei province, where the outbreak started and where the majority of cases remain, is one of the more advanced parts of China, with a high HDI. Wuhan itself is a modern city on a level with a lot of European cities.
Hubei province, where the outbreak started and where the majority of cases remain, is one of the more advanced parts of China, with a high HDI. Wuhan itself is a modern city on a level with a lot of European cities.
There is considerable evidence that the CPC is REALLY downplaying the numbers. Some are suggesting with evidence the real death tally in China for coronavirus is not under a thousand but closer to 30,000. 30,000 in a month when the flu season takes only, what, 10-12k a year over a period of 6 months?
we’ve been immigrating LEGALLY for generations.
You can just blame that on Michael Chabon being Michael Chabon.
Well, YouTube is not exactly a trustworthy source to begin with, so the credibility here is rather stretched.
Do you have any evidence supporting your statement?
It may have tactics, but will it have tact?
I guess Destructoid caught Kotaku with its pants down by scooping on the crowdfunding announcement? Link below if anyone’s interested. (Already hit the second milestone, it’s Steam-bound as of this writing. PS4 likely within the next few hours?)
(Did my post get deleted? Eh?)
Yeah, your argument doesn’t hold any water. There are many feminists who would argue that the mere existence of a show dedicated to prostitution (and they would refer to it as such) is itself an example of patriarchy, and to spin it in positive light even more so. Hell, this was a focal point of second-wave feminism…
Besides, we don’t want Cal Ripken’s pants in a twist
It is the nature of the vampire castle: An inward fortress where the inhabitants attempt to drain each other to gain power.
This won’t get past the grays, since most people are piling on at this point. But I’ll say this much as a counterpoint:
That is an awfully petty reason to hate a company. And I don’t even ride.
Ah, okay. That makes sense. At least that’s better than saying “Brazilian and Portuguese” as though they are two separate languages (Ron Howard voice They’re not).
I know this will hide in the greys, but...
Neither are you. But then, you also come off as very patronizing, so it’s not surprising that you would miss that.
Could someone explain “neutral Spanish” to me? Is it just a “standard” form of Spanish that strips it of local dialectical differences?
practically nobody knows about it
Property is theft.