
Biden is paleo-bipartisan in the same way that, say Pat Buchanan was paleo-conservative. They insist that their way of doing things can still work, that their values are still relevant, etc., way after everyone else has realized the truth. What’s particularly irksome is that Biden watched first-hand as McConnell, et

So critique Stillwater. I have. I’ve had plenty to say about how it’s akin to NYT’s and WaPo’s “Cletus safari” stories that want to do anything but call a spade a spade when it comes to MAGA bullshit. I’m annoyed with director Tom McCarthy for straying so far away from his best film, Spotlight.

Okay, I could compare and parse his original comments with his addendum, but I actually just don’t give a shit.

Yeah, he’s seems like an awesome and fun guy to be around when everything is going his way, but also seems like the kind of person to just explode or overreact when it’s not. Which... I guess makes him not that great of a guy?

“At times, Bill was just really irrationally mean and unavailable; he was constantly late on set,” he said. “What I’d want to say to him is just what we tell our children: ‘You don’t have to throw tantrums to get what you want. Just say what you want.’”

Well yeah, “Bill Murray acts like an asshole to his costar” has been a recurring theme for more than 40 years. 

I randomly saw that online, and it’s truly bonkers. Cryptocurrency is great because it’s all about diversity or something. At one point he even says, “Do your own research.”

Sure. But all things were not equal, so it doesn’t apply.

Sure, but they weren't better because of Chevy Chase.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

Well, he left after season 4 so it got a lot better, though obviously there were other factors.

That is indeed part of why there’s “no way in hell” Chase is coming back, but Pierce faking his own death is hardly an unimaginable scenario.

“Pierce was secretly the best character”

I imagine working with animals is a lot like working with your drinking buddy. It’s all fun on the weekends, but when it comes to 8 o’clock Monday morning, he’s just fucking around, doing his own thing and making work more difficult for everyone else involved.

“I had no idea it would lead to weird discourse! Hmm? The internet? What’s that?”

but it didn’t feel like she was drawn to make the audience want to fuck her”

When director Malcolm D. Lee signed on to Space Jam: A New Legacy, he knew he wanted to rework Lola Bunny’s “over-sexualized” form presented in the 1996 original. What he did not know is that it would bring on a sea of “super weird” discourse concerning the now-flat chest beneath Lola’s basketball jersey.

Mr. Lee, with all due respect, you are directing a movie where LeBron James enters a Warner Bros. server and becomes a cartoon that can mingle with the fucking DROOGS. When that’s your setup, who are YOU to decide what’s “hella weird” and what isn’t?

Everybody knows that cartoon bunnies don’t have big boobs. Cartoon humans married to cartoon bunnies do, though.