
You can use the “people are starving in Africa” argument to throw a wet blanket on pretty much any fun story about anything, it’s not productive.  

There are people who have to walk miles to school, yet some people walk for sport. There are people who have to dive pearls for a living, yet some dive for sport. There are people who don’t even have a TV or money to go to a sports game, yet some people play sports for living.

Why doesn’t Murray just call a band meeting and take attendance?

That all sounds pretty plausible, but I still would have preferred (again, because of my unique and pedantic viewpoint) if, instead of slow-moving, B-17-esque level bombers, they’d have used a squadron of obsolete Y- or B-Wings rigged to carry torpedoes and doing a WWII-style torpedo run on the ship.

Lot of good points here, but some bad. The “space bombers” flaw has been debunked many times. There absolutely is sufficient gravity for the bombs to fall.

The Clones Wars is almost 100% pre-Disney. It was created and overseen by Lucas, who mentored Filoni, and Filoni has been very forthcoming about that.

the idea that if a starship runs out of gas it will slow down and stop in the vacuum of space

You know what Disney got wrong with Star Wars?

And despite what the Fanboys will tell you, Lucas did not oversea shit in the Star Wars EU. He just licensed that shit to other companies and creators and let them write whatever they wanted.

Sorry, but i disagree.

Are you trolling? Those mind-numbing same-o lame-o dull format Over and Over DIY Home improvement videos are what you turn to when... you’re bored?! John is bringing news like no one else, and in a pretty informative way for several award winning seasons with a side of pure cheekiness. He does it convincingly, is

Yep. Well said.

So, yeah, people should think for awhile before signing a contract with a shitty contractor. Brilliant advice John.

They also ignore all the benefits that the government gives to business and just assume that’s what they are due.

Right? And unfortunately they’ve done such a good job of keeping most of the population ignorant about this concept that people don’t even understand that they should be fighting for better conditions.

I’m not sure what people on the Right are upset about. Trade wars that increase the cost of importing foreign goods raise the demand for US goods - and thus labor. Combined with a border wall and immigration policies that shrink the labor pool, particularly at the low end and we end up with higher wages and more

I made more than that working a summer job twenty five years ago, and I still couldn’t have lived on it back then in the market where I was. The audacity of millionaires to declare it’s sufficient pay now while simultaneously whining about raising taxes on their dividends is jaw-dropping.

I think I ate there once, but plenty of chain restaurants serve mediocre food, and they’re still around.

They’re actually not, which has always been one of the cool things about the show: the characters are explicitly grown-ups. One is basically a grad student. They all have jobs (some even have day jobs because the thing they like to do doesn’t make money).

Ponies aren’t young horses. Ponies are breeds of horses that just happen to be small (but not as small as the ones referred to as “miniature horses”). Not that changes the creepiness of wanting to fuck one, but the idea that ponies are young horses is a common misconception that needs to be dispelled.