
As you brought up tropes:

I’d lean on agreeing with you, but I think it’s ambiguous in a way that is typical of the medium.  I’d definitely disagree with the OP, though.  Screw that guy.  There’s no way its clear cut as he wants to make out.

Reboot had its moments. There’s parts when you could squint and almost go “oh yeah, this is what I’d expect from Kevin Smith in the good ol’ days”.

It also had a lot of heart, kinda like Jersey Girl (which I think is underrated).

But there were some spots in the middle that dragged on and felt like humour deserts.


The Venture Bros. comparison is very apt (quite aside from Bane’s voice actor appearing in both).
I’ve been finding it thoroughly gripping.

If forced to choose, I’d still prefer additional series of Venture Bros; but as a spiritual successor this has been at the very least a really nice substitute.

That’s only the first half of the movie; the second half is what Brian May considers to be the REALLY interesting part of the story - him going to make a cup of tea after submitting it, doing the bins, pottering around a bit in his shed.

Regular sports aren’t typically based on partially reflexive autonomous bodily functions.
Babies hold their breaths underwater like in freediving; and eat food as in competitive eating.
They don’t bounce balls and throw them through hoops; or kick balls into goals; or use sticks to whack balls into holes. They don’t

I don’t get most sports, but I guess the whole rigmarole of sports media isn’t really for my benefit.

At least with competitive eating it’s interesting to consider the gap between “surely anyone with an appetite and a big mouth can do that? It’s one of the most basic of bodily functions”, and the various training and

And a big fat jolly man going down a chimney to deliver presents and living in the north pole has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus - much less any sort of historical reality..

The issue of world hunger isn’t one that is either caused by, or even emblemised, by an annual hotdog eating contest.

And being a sour-puss

Now playing

Diesel approached film-making as a craft and a career early on

Now playing

“he’s great at overall story”

Nope, he had to get his wife and peers save him in post-production and the editing bay on ANH.

If you look at the content that hit the cutting room floor, or the original storyboard sequences, etc, you can see just how lucky he got.

Now playing

With you up until you criticised space bombers.
All of the dog-fighting in IV came from WW2 action movies (that Lucas was directly cribbing from), despite WW2 dogfighting making absolutely zero sense when it comes to the physics of space.

What a load of horseshit.
The US has indoctrinated its cititzenry against socialism to such a degree that the fringes use the term as a synonym for everything from kleptocracy through to zionist-paedophile-cabal.
“Oh you never hear about the bad things in socialism...” - oh, apart from the mountain of logical fallacies

Are you confusing chattel slavery is the strict sense with what generally and colloquially constitutes modern slavery, perhaps?

Quite. The state educates their workforce, guarantees a degree of literacy and numeracy, provides a transport network and infrastructure that lets them conduct their businesses, negotiates trade agreements that secures them reliable overseas markets from which to buy materials and to sell the end product, helps give

Own the means of production?  I’m in.

In their defence, their argument is predicated on the assumption that in a free market, there aren’t government schemes in place to alleviate workers having to choose between absolute starvation or slavery.

I’m not sure I follow your point - the Always Sunny blackface episode(s) were also pulled from Netflix in my region, at the same time as the Community episode.

Lindsay Ellis? Contrapoints?
I mean, I only heard their side of the story, but they sounded convincing enough.

All violence is perceived in the mind of the person witnessing it. The abstraction that constitutes violence is an intrinsically psychological construct and conception.

If we were to hypothesise a Matrix-like simulation that is indistinguishable from reality, we could duplicate “IRL physical violence” perfectly; but it

I’m asking you to be an intellectually honest person who’s going to accept reality

Before the kinjapocalypse I seem to recall the AV Club having a notably high calibre of readership.
I think lowering both my expectations and standards to adjust to the new reality is probably long overdue, unfortunately.

FWIW I got the impression that the OP wasn’t likely to be repeating that behaviour - either