
In a way, it’s self-indulgent. It makes someone else’s pain about you.

That’s true to some extent, but they’re directly related.

The human brain doesn’t fully develop until 22, but sure, there’s no difference between an 17-year-old and a 35-year-old because you say so.

But you don’t think it weird to characterise a 17 year old having sex with someone who could be anywhere from 18+ as being “preyed upon”?

You somewhat make my point when you describe consensual (legally in much of the US, as well as plenty of other countries; let alone in the colloquial sense of the word) sex in terms

It sounds like the husband is paying somewhere between hundreds and thousands of dollars at a time

And I am sure people on the breadline would also resent their partner spending the cost of Starbucks; or fast food; or any of the other little luxuries (although if you’ve got a major nicotine habit you need to satisfy, cigarettes fall less into the luxury category) that make life at the sharp end tolerable.

But we’re

1) Are you and your husband allowed to spend large sums of mad money without consulting each other?

I wonder the extent to which people hire non-sex worker professionals largely based on looks (and without the intention to sexually harass them).

TBH I don’t get a lot of the criticism of the film. I can only assume that by the time I’d seen it as a kid, enough time had passed between my obsession with Star Wars franchise being nurtured and me consuming every single bit of Sci-Fi I could get my hands on way back when you couldn’t easily get access to

This kind of thinking is how you get people like Roman Polanski.

It’s almost as if I was replying to a specific point the OP made in his post, and not using a reply to him to waffle on about Apu - something the OP didn’t actually reference in his comment.

Or are we only supposed to consider the nature of celebrity apologies, and the social dynamics involved, solely in the context of

The problem is that the sort of full mea culpa that might appease the crowd means surrendering any nuance to an issue, and generally taking on a greater amount of responsibility for a situation than would otherwise be fair to apportion.

In doing so you’re giving the Internet, of all places, a stick to beat you with

By necessity, the ‘average’ teenage girl will not have the same breadth of experience and grasp of self-worth as the ‘average’ middle-aged man.

It’s not about age, but about an imbalance of power. A professor will necessarily have power over an undergrad, even if it’s not his or her student.

Unless you want to criminalise being an average teenage boy, then pretty much every single “grown man” has at some point wanted to fuck teenagers unless they’re a late bloomer or were / are an asexual.

In my country, it took until 2000 for gay teenagers to get the same rights to fuck each other as straight teenagers.

What are your thoughts on a partner using recreational drugs?

Is the girlfriend trying to control DRUGS (in a more general way rather than simply demanding fidelity and sobriety)?

Ugh, Kinja doublepost, great.