
Completely coincidentally (and totally unrelated to my post, I assure you I wasn’t raised by a white supremacist), I just noticed this story in today’s newspaper:

Question of the week: What harmful ideas were you exposed to when you were younger and what helped you change your way of thinking?

So...  What I’m hearing is we should put our faith in astrology.

as is to be expected from the directorial brain trust of Chris Lord and Phil Miller’

Christopher Miller and Phil Lord?
I am not sure if this is deliberate or accidental inversion of their surnames, but it confused the hell out of me while I was trying to look up the names-as-written.

This kinda reminds me of some of the criticisms of blaxploitation films where the structure and tonal shifts of the films tended to get looked down upon.

A friend of mine once pointed out whilst we were watching some early kung-fu movies that the Chinese film-making seemed to be far more holistic than we’d expect from

Now playing

The early stuff, when Alice Cooper was still the band not just the lead, is really solid and a fascinating trip through the birth of Heavy Metal from its origins in Psychadelic rock.

Compare a song from their debut album Pretties For You:

“Did he blow his beans up my muff?  And how!”

I always enjoyed JJF when it came on.
Still think there should be a JJF Brazil mashup though.

I had to look up Pedro Pascal because I wasn’t invested enough to look at the credits, even though I thought the portrayal of the Mando was solid. Then I realised that on top of being the Mando himself, he was also melon-squash-head from Game of Thrones.

No wonder I was so pleasantly surprised by what unmasked Mando

I’m not going to defend her social media whatnot; but just in terms of her portraying the character I thought she was fine - I was quite happy whenever her character was on screen.

As a side issue - I also liked that she had an unconventional body-type compared to a typical Hollywood actress type. It’s a small thing

Drunk for days? Sure.
*Blackout* drunk for days, specifically?

So your definition doesn’t sound workable to me.
How can people who are disabled split up physical work equally? Are they incapable of being in an “equitable relationship” unless they’re with someone with exactly the same level and type of disability?
Is someone with mild autism unable to be in an equitable relationship

Nobody is blackout drunk for two days!

Wow. What an incredibly naive post.

Were you deliberately aiming to argue in bad-faith or something?

The notion that wars are engaged upon and conducted via democratic process rather than a hierarchical chain-of-command is foolish right off the bat; before you get to the numerous ways American democracy especially fails

It just reminded me that we’re surrounded by dumbasses whose votes are of equal value to mine.

I seem to recall, and this might be mistaken or misrepresented, that Thatcher was fond of Pinochet because - as we learned in the decades since - he gave the British significant and treaty-breaking aid during the Falklands, on the DL.

Though the path that brought Giuliani to the landscaping parking lot apparently involved a more complicated brand of oatmeal-brained decision-making than was initially thought,

Your stamina in dealing with someone who is clearly a stump-fucking moron is...I don’t know if I’d go with “admirable?”

I’m sorry but once again, you’re wrong.

Yep, I was going to post just this update saying “I told you so” but I didn’t think anyone would still be reading ;)