Now playing

You will have to provide the actual broadcasts and non partisan articles to say that you have evidence,

I’m going to let you in on something, I’ve just been skimming over what you wrote

And once again you seem very intent to champion ideas that have been provided for you,

Quite a bit to unpack here, so let’s begin, you clearly forgot that the Mueller investigation does not back up your assertions, thus rendering what you consider evidence as null.

Actually, it looks like you thoughtfully misused the term. But kudos for trying to support your incorrect use of “Fascism” by using even more words incorrectly (along with a healthy dose touch of faulty logic)

I do know what the term “Fascism” is and almost no one uses that term correctly, including here.

attempted to apply them to me in a misguided attempt at mimicry.

If your evidence is based on poorly written opposition articles, then it isn’t evidence.

Ad hominem will not help you either

Yah, goes further still Patriot Act, anyone? That Snowden leaked spying on American citizens thing too?
Some of what was going on behind closed doors before Trump even took office was arguably even more chilling than small-handed grabs for the sceptre of fascism.

The very articles you posted

You are uncritical of dubiously sourced reports

Look at all the red cities vs blue cities.

I suspect he might be a sock-puppet. Some of his phraseology is reminiscent of some other posters pushing the same debunked conspiracy theories.
It’s one thing to believe absurd nonsense cultivated from fringe right-wing punditry; it’s quite another to express it in exactly the same way.

Trump isn’t really even Republican.

I’ve always felt that Trump could come out on national TV, admit that he colluded with Russia, and explain that he did it because if the Democrats came to power they’d ruin the country.

Now playing

I appreciate the sentiment, and I know you can only lead a horse to water.


Yah, I didn’t want to go too far back (partly because who wants to go back to Amerca’s inter-war love affair with Hitler?) as I was exclusively thinking about the context of online political discourse - but you’re right that the rot started to set in long ago.

I think most people who have pointed out right-wing fascist tendencies growing since the Bush years can now feel thoroughly vindicated in saying “I told you so”.

All the “you’re being alarmist, what will you do when a REAL fascist shows up?” people – the whole half-of-an-electorate of them –have proven conclusively