
In her defence, the proportions of electoral college votes to popular votes are very arbitrary, even if in Montana’s case, not in the direction she expects.

Rest assured that if his base happened to be people who were disproportionately forced to use mail-in ballots, he’d’ve been insisting that the polling stations were stuffed with Dem illegals and that the only legitimate votes were those that went through the reliable and verifiable paper-trail on mail-in balloting.


Well, literally everything you said could be just as easily applied to the left

This is a side I never, ever saw, and where it came from, how it evolved, how it’s been cultivated, I just don’t know.

Yeah, pretty much this.
As much as I hate Giuliani, they ended the scene before anything truly incriminating seemed to happen. Him lying back on the bed so she could remove his mic doesn’t strike me as an overt prelude to anything. It’s not like she sat him down on a chair and he was like “yeah, it’ll be easier to take

He does say “I’d hate having sex with him” – so yeah, in this specific instance there’s the implication that the guy’s self-described asexuality is more akin to geno/coito/eroto/phobia.

But I can’t see how anyone would square a fetish for being “forced (consensually) into an uncomfortable situation” would be

Your first response makes me worry about what happens in your bedroom.

It’s one thing to have voted for Trump once; chalk it up to ignorance, optimism, naivety, a protest vote, whatever.

But to have sat through the last four years and go “yeah, more of the same is fine” is a deal-breaker when it comes to qualifying for any degree of sympathy, compassion, or understanding.

His immune system had a good workout vs diphtheria contracted from a chocolate covered pretzel.

At the beginning of the pandemic there was a nice little string of articles about the “ethics” of withholding care from people who elderly or disabled (you know, genocide by neglect).

Dale’s worth following on Twitter, the guy’s razor sharp and double quick on Trumpanalcists.

Shakespeare?  Naught but an upstart crow.

In the UK a fair few of the early Big Brother contestants became Z-listers. Craig Phillips was on the home-makeover circuit for years.
Jade Goody had a line of perfumes and other merch IIRC.

Any of the “notable” members of BB had at least a small shot at a z-list career in the media after the show.  Even for those that

Unless that racist stereotype is literally that of a blackface caricature, then that’s entirely tangential to what the OP said and my reply to him.

The article you quote, and the citation within it, don’t support that assertion. They seem to be concerned with the idea that a race with black skin is portrayed as (near) u

Surely the joke is that he isn’t wearing ‘blackface’, he’s cosplaying as a Drow; and it is Shirley’s lack of familiarity with D&D that leads to the comic misunderstanding between the two?

This reading *would* add to the rest of the episode, because it first establishes how invested he is in the game, to the point of

Immaterial to the point being made, I think.
One doesn’t need to consider why any given fascist adopted that ideology in order to surmise that voting them into power will result in fascist leadership.

Joseph de Maistre said every nation gets the government it deserves. I don’t take this truism to mean “and that

As in all things, the truth is going to be more nuanced.

We might consider the iron law of oligarchy; but that describes a systemic tendency to autocracy rather than a personal one to make any given person an autocrat.

We might consider incidents of people suffering neurological trauma, and the consequent shift in

I suspect that’s part of the appeal.

I’d wager a distinct proportion of those that we might label “alt-right”, in terms of bronies and the Internet in general, are probably people who are so divorced from social issues (by virtue of being ‘privileged’, and by virtue of being on the Internet, by consequence of social

The lazy use of the word “magic” denies the possibility that scarcity in the modern world is a manufactured state created solely for the wealthy to maintain power and hegemony.

The value of diamonds is supposedly scarcity, but De Beers spent 70 years hoarding stockpiles of them to drive up the price.

The idea that trustw

Eh, the whole princesses that both have the power of deities, and are deified as rulers with subjects that bow and scrape to them, thing was problematic to me; as was the whole cutie-mark and pegasus/unicorn/earth pony caste system, along with baby dragon as servant.
The economics of the land also made me raise my