
I mean, really? You’re being a self-righteous prick about something that has next to no bearing on you.

I never once fucking implied this.

No? Where did I say that?

You don’t see the contradiction between implying people should be too busy to phone up and seek credit, and saying the line’s going to be too busy because of all the people phoning up to seek credit?

I don’t agree with Capitalism either, but I don’t see the system being challenged by giving those who benefit most of it a free ride.

You should see the mess women make when they try to dook up a urinal.

I got the impression - possibly wrongly - that his comments were aimed at specific reactionary statements he’d come across.
Certainly, without this assumption, his comments seem to be a particularly hyperbolic strawman.

I don’t really want to put words in his mouth, or even put forward my own narrow take on something

Eh, he’d just be born anew on that weird ultra-right network that’s supplanting Fox as the nutcase ideologue’s favourite channel, what is it, OANN or something?
Hannity’s just one sexual harassment from ending up there already.

To be honest, I’ve never really understood this “gratitude for a job” thing.

It seems to be at odds with the transactional nature of work - it would be like going to a store and having them sell you goods at the retail price is some act of munificence on their part.
“Oh thank you so much for selling me this toaster, you

Yes, particularly because those idiots will spread it, even indirectly, to people who aren’t idiots.

But, practically, it’s a far more legitimate vision of Social Darwinism than the right-wing plutocrat-fetishists promote.  So that takes the edge off a bit, maybe.

My understanding is that the American democratic model was built on the assumption those people to step in would be the Electoral College, the Senate, and the Judiciary.

The fact that they haven’t stepped in suggests a proof of Joseph de Maistre’s aphorism: Every nation gets the government it deserves. Ironic it should

Eh, not only does that stank linger like hell and follow people around, so do some of the dangerous toxins too:

Eh, Rebels required far less work to appreciate than Clone Wars. I suspect the rose-tinted goggles are present on the AVClub readership precisely because the worst episodes of CW were simply forgettable - and thus expunged from your memories - whereas the poorer Rebels episodes were memorable enough for you all to

Weird that you disagree with everything I said, and then posted specifically about Rebels - the final line of my post being the only time I mentioned it - only to say that it felt like it was “watered down Clone Wars”, despite my comment about Rebels being that it benefited from the ground Clone Wars laid down.


Glad to see The Clone Wars getting some appreciation. As much as the feature-length opener got panned, I found the subsequent serialisations did a solid job of rehabilitating the prequel franchise.

It really demonstrated just what a missed opportunity the prequels and Clone Wars setting was, and this animation would’ve

I liked K-PAX. I could watch Jeff Bridges in nearly anything, and despite Kevin Spacey’s problematic personal life, I can’t think of any roles he’s played that have been a let-down either.

Yeah, “you whack your face into a thousand ships, and see how pretty you are after!”

They’d make it super-arcadey and crap. No-one at either Disney or EA would go “let’s make a PC-first flight-sim that requires a joystick to play comfortably”.

That said, the VR Demo looked really promising, but still suffering from typical EA “made it arcadey and put it on rails so it’s like a crap action movie”

Lots of good choices; but despite Red Letter Media pooh-poohing it, I’d like to submit The Black Hole to the list - I found it chilling and gripping as a kid and still get goosebumps.

Also, Candleshoe.

I wonder if One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing is available, given the widespread yellow-face and (if not ironic,