
I thought it might have been a conscious choice since Missy is the only child character who is actually innocent and childlike, at first at least. That might make the transition easier to write in since it's probably going to be obvious.

Her voice as Missy is very different than her normal speaking voice. So yes, she may be trying to sound more like a kid. Kroll himself does like 5+ voices on the show only his main character is just his regular voice.

Missy had a really distinctive voice, I wonder if they’ll try to imitate it or just use puberty to explain away the change? Missy's voice was the only one where I got the sense the actor was trying to sound more like a child while all the other actors just seemed to use variants of their normal speaking voice. Unless

I will never understand how people fall for this shit. It has to be a form of entitlement to be in a position where a random idiot can tell you he can teach you how to unlock your mind or some shit if only you pay them $2000 a month.

“This is the worst crazy sect I’ve ever been in.”

Yeah this movie seems like it was made for the 90s- not a decade where we’ve already learned how nasty many people in Middle America have become and how desperate others are. 

I am fed up with the poor white people that Michael Moore and Bernie Sanders relentlessly chased. To see John Stewart also drink this Kool-Aid is maddening. They coddle these willfully ignorant people instead of calling them out for always voting against their own interests.

Ok, but there was a guy strolling around with what was probably an AR-15. Which most of us would consider to be pretty alarming in any other situation.

Forget about Trump Rally—-there were AR-15s taken into the Michigan Capitol building because people needed haircuts.

Agreed, nobody should have AR-15s anywhere. I just love the Fox News hypocrisy. 


If only this was more like the French Revolution. There would be a guillotine with a bowtie on it for that bigot waspy twat.

I mean, the major telecom companies are huge assholes, and if their service goes down, you should absolutely contact customer service to try and get something taken off your bill. They’re not your friends.

Some people look up words in a book. I look up words in my gut.

This article sure has a lot of vitriol for people using the dictionary to define words.

upper decker?

Literally every TERF uses it. They think it makes them sound reasonable instead of like perverts who want to inspect everyone’s genitals before they’re allowed to take a shit.

Honestly, this is thoughtful reply and I have hesitated to respond because I don’t want to come off as dismissive. Basically, I don’t think it’s any of that. Terry Crews has loudly and publicly gone out of his way to downplay and dismiss Gabrielle Union when she spoke out against racism occurring behind the scenes on

Actually, having them all resign from the NYPD and become a detective agency would be interesting.