
Because it’s hard to watch a sitcom about the NYPD when the real NYPD is running over protesters. Better to let the series end now at a high point than have it be burdened with the real NYPD’s controversies in the long term.

Someone on twitter was suggesting that they just pull a full Archer: with no explanation, have the exact same cast and characters except in a completely different setting.

Agreed, generally. There are obvious differences between the U.S. right now and various historical revolutions (e.g. many revolutions, especially colonial ones, involved an oppressed majority rising up against a minority; but Black Americans are a minority in the U.S. etc.), but as your post demonstrates, it’s a

This may be a weird time to make this argument—I don’t know what inspired him to do it—but I think Terry Crews is 100% right in principle.

Terry Crews isn’t a Nazi. He isn’t a Confederate flag waver, he doesn’t call police “heroes,” and he isn’t even a Republican. He’s also a black man from one of the poorest cities in America and has spent 30 years of his life in two of the most high-profile businesses that treat black people like objects. And, friendly

I think his films have always had a somewhat right wing outlook - Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Twin Peaks and to a certain extent Mulholland Drive are all to some extent about how once you decide to take a step outside the narrow world of socially accepted mores and customs, whether out of teenage curiosity, a desire

Probably referring to an interview with the Guardian, which contains this unsavory passage:

Jon Stewart needs to come back and finish what he started: ending Tucker Carlson forever

Glad to see some defense for Dark Shadows! Yeah, it’s bad, but it’s fun. And like you said, despite all the late-era crap Burton has churned out, he hasn’t lost everything that made him great. I mourn the days of classic Burton as much as anyone, but really, the only movie he’s done that I simply can’t stand is Alice

I’m not listening to any pointless yacking when the contributors could have just, you know, written their thoughts down.

Oh, I don't fuck my wife. I mean, marriage....c'mon, man. 

Yeah, “you whack your face into a thousand ships, and see how pretty you are after!”

Oh it's worse than "shouldn't have democracy". He actually said "the people of Hong Kong were not intelligent enough to deserve democracy".

The interpretation only ignores Chinese history as much as the movie does. The biggest justification for China's takeover of countries like Tibet are the historical borders of the country set by the Qin Dynasty. The film isn't a political parable, where each character represents some tendency of the Chinese government

Curiously, Chan's the one who courted controversy in recent years by making some pro-China public statements - including one in which, IIRC, he says Hong Kong shouldn't have democracy. Li is a PRC citizen but has never been overtly political; in regards to his ultra-nationalist movies, you could say the same about

Supercop was fairly seminal for me as an action movie (and I still have a soft spot for Rumble in the Bronx). I don't know if anything will ever top the awkward comedy meter quite like Tom Jones' cover of Kung Fu Fighting over the outtakes, though.

I think a lot of those elements are actually there in all of the Peanuts movies. Not the fight for the survival, of course, but the generally unsupervised muddling through (which is how a lot of that stuff plays, moreso than life-threatening, even if it would be in reality!) is pretty much par for the course. Charlie

To say nothing of the lack of adult supervision. The Peanuts can't be older than 10, but some brilliant camp leader decided that it's acceptable to put them into a river without supervision against a gang of bullies who've probably murdered other campers in the past.
And the bus driver who kept ditching Chuck. Fuck

Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown was the first movie I ever saw on a big screen. I was 5 at the time it came out, and it still holds a special place in my heart.

Yeah, I thought White Russians were universally known as a great tasting and really easy to drink cocktail.