
Louis CK’s contemporaries in the stand-up scene have had some harsh words for the disgraced comedian, who returned to the stage last year after admitting to allegations of exposing himself to female employees and other comedians without their consent.

Yep, a case of confirmation bias.

Of course people inclined to harp on about this will harp on about this; the issue is with people who are not so inclined and thus you often won’t even think about.

In fact, when John Prescott got egged, I seem to recall thinking at the time he had it coming, and he wasn’t even a demagogue.

I suppose you could maybe argue he was more centre-left than left-wing?
And I’d suggest him not being a demagogue probably lessens the legitimacy of an egging to some degree.

But if I were to

In “my world” (reality) the fallacy of false equivalence exists:

Whenever I’ve been a bar-tender serving real ale, my policy is always: The customer gets a sample of each and every beer each and every visit to the establishment if they want it.

Because real ales are living products, whose quality will differ not just between batches, but also depending how long it’s been sitting in

Just a load of waffle, I’m afraid.

The idea that quality is determined by whether or not something is satisfying is specious; even more so that it is determined by whether or not it shifts merchandise.

The fact that you can’t really define “satisfying” in a meaningful sense is the first problem: You seem to be stepping

Most people are terrible judges of what they will find satisfying in media. It’s why good media is rare, pedestrian media is commonplace, and armchair pundits’ projects never get anywhere other than fanfic message boards.

The most valuable media tends to be those that challenge a ‘satisfying’ (in general that which

Not sure that “feeling satisfied” his the highest purpose of art or media, or that $$$$s of merch is a metric worth measuring its quality in.

Yep. His moral certitude led him to murder someone for no real benefit, and caused him to ignore the real existential threat to both his people and all of humankind while he was off using his aristocratic authority to play silly games that gets nearly his whole family killed horribly.

The idea that being officious, or

I think you’re just making my point for me: Those revenges don’t strike me as particularly justifiable.

They’re brutal, barbaric, lacking mercy or compassion, and any practical benefit to them (getting Ramsay or the Freys out of the picture, demonstrating a zero-tolerance policy for insubordination) is divorced from

I think part of it is ingrained in American culture: “The good-guy with a gun” myth of righteous-violence. And thanks to the hegemony of American culture (the world gets all of America’s movies, from oaters through to MCU), that narrative conceit is hard-baked into our language-of-film.

Asking people to accept that

Eh, when right-wing demagogues side-step the norms of civilisation for political gain, then getting a milkshake thrown at them in reply is their just deserts.

Pretending that it’s business as usual and that everyone else will play by the selfsame rules they’ve invalidated is how Fascists gain power.

The idea that “Hiroshima was a message to the neutral Soviets” is of course ignoring the fact that Stalin was already aware of the Manhattan project by the time of the Potsdam conference (immediately preceding the bombing) and gave his blessing for the weapons to be deployed at that conference.

It also ignores the fact

Once again you confuse your speculative beliefs and head-cannon with actually established fact.

Again, Truman didn’t drop the Nuclear bombs and then also drop some extra ones on Hirohito’s bunker to make sure he couldn’t unconditionally surrender, with the intent of getting personal revenge on Hirohito.
You’re giving

I got a King Of Queens notification for this?!?

Having actual prescience allows you to argue everything’s for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
Being a megalomaniac with a dragon only means you’re pretending.

You’re not very good with analogies, are you?

Drogon should’ve torched everything, with “true Targaryen” John being left standing because immune to flames in contrast to the symbol for power and rulership, something he won’t now attain.

I thought it was established that “dead [wo]men’s boots” is the preferred method of Dothraki ascendancy (hence Dany not getting

I think you are both right. There were fewer episodes, and each of those episodes was lesser.

Dany did break the wheel, she just had to be shived to make that happen, which felt like a fitting end to her arc. Her vision was sound, but she....was not.