
Bran’s powers basically amount to government surveillance since he can warg into the wierwood trees (among other things) and see the present and past that they experienced. Does this seem bad to anyone else? What is the overarching point of him even gaining powers? He literally was given the throne because he had

Well, part of it is you come across a bit smug and self-aggrandizing. Even if you’re right (and in this case I’m not sure you are), you’re patting yourself on the back more than a little, which is a bit off-putting.


Can’t it be both?  That was my general attitude to the character throughout the show...

Eh...  Not sure I buy the “megalomania’s sanity if you frame it in a certain way” argument.

Paranoia’s probably the gaming manual that was the most satisfying to read, ditto for the wealth of premade adventures which are all hilarious.

Just because a word can mean different things, doesn’t mean it always does;

Oh good, a dictionary definition that ignores the actual context of the concept under discussion. When people talk about cultural appropriation, they’re not talking about culture in the sense of art or forms of expression, they’re talking about culture as a collection of traditions related to a nationality or place

Especially since the Alabama, Ohio, and other Republican-led efforts to take women’s rights away have proven with crystal-fucking-clarity that these (overwhelmingly white, male) legislators don’t have a single, fucking clue what the hell they’re talking about when it comes to abortion, contraception, or that scary,

To be fair, it probably is a bit of cavalier over-exaggeration.

It’s not cultural appropriation, as “nerddom” is not a culture, it’s a collection of interests.

I don’t want to be “that guy”, but I am so here we are:
It’s cultural appropriation and nerd-face.

And my initial response was that what the show depicts is not analogous to any real-world situation that has ever occurred.

The bells ringing does not qualify as “the exact moment its consolidation of power is made manifest.” It’s symbolic but in no way does Dany’s side have control of King’s Landing, much less Westeros.

Dany grabs Jon to run off and ride dragons:

You mean apart from literally showing a revolution turning on itself throughout the episode (with seeds sewn earlier, going right back to early series), most dramatically occurring the exact moment its consolidation of power is made manifest by a sign we’ve had telegraphed to us three times immediately preceding it?


none of that explains why she would go on a killing spree on innocent people.

By that reasoning the show can have no themes that relate to us because dragons don’t exist in the real world.

Just wish the inciting incident for the brawl had been Jaime calling him Urine.