
The bells represented the *end* of conquering King’s Landing. So clearly so that it is mentioned and acknowledged several times: By Dany and Worm; by Jon; and by Jaime.

That’s literally the entire point of the entire last half of the episode.

But they have showed that angle. What I was describing was her entire arc up to and including this episode.

Truth in television.
Revolutions generally start with the charismatic leader dehumanising their political opponents and using military gains to reward and elevate their supporters and political base.

After the revolution topples the existing power structure and takes over its apparatus there’s nothing to stop a leader

People seem to forget that the Baratheons, Lannisters and Starks systematically wiped out, not only Daenery’s family, but her entire people.Every Targaryan man, woman and child they could get a hold of. Did anyone honestly think she would let that go? Would you?

The progression from exhilarating hope to tragic denouement was skillfully executed by director Miguel Sapochnik, demonstrating a much better command of large-scale choreography here than we got to see in “The Long Night.”

The problem is that right-wing ideologues simply don’t think the law applies to people like them.

Eh, we’ve got our own problems with self-professed ‘youtube intellectuals’ of the alt-right clawing their way into the body politic.
So far the best solution I’ve seen is “pelt them with milkshakes.”  Literally, so.

What do you think charisma is if not a trick?
Magnetism of the animal variety?

I doubt it was patience so much as budget.

That said, as much as I like naval battles, I think the entire concept is somewhat antithetical to character-driven story-telling - way more so than land battles.

She’s progressive as hell.

I have a soft spot for the political intrigue, even if it’s all just an homage to earlier seasons at this point

Glad I’m not the only one to have thought that. Yeah her hands were manacled behind her back, but that ledge was damned precarious and I’m sure there was SOMETHING of Cersei’s apparel to grab hold of.

Bonus points if she did a 180 before kicking off and landed flat on her back on top of Cersei to cushion the landing.

You’re using the update+ community patch, right?

It fixes a load of broken quests, and reintroduces a lot of cut content that never made it into the game proper (although that tends to be a bit sparse and glitchy too, if you’re referring to that).

Bloodlines is a real diamond in the rough; just a shame the studio

Of course, there’s the flipside. People who only want to be with you because of your weight.

Sounds like anti-intellectualism dressed up as righteous indignation to me.

The letter doesn’t say he talked down to her; nor that he was self-important. Neither condecension nor arrogance can be inferred from the letter; merely projected.

Does your reply stem from you not believing stupid people exist in the world? Or

Your argument presupposes that having “half your army” not fighting at all still count as forces in your favour.

Having half your army alive doesn’t benefit you if they’re only alive so long as they don’t actually fight.
It’s hard to imagine how they could’ve been better utilised given that you can’t ride around inside

and sending the Dothraki off to join the wight army was so inexplicably dumb that I wonder if Melisandre forgot to resurrect his brain.

TBH they should do a special episode where they do their own blinded Scoville testing (fixed quantity of sauce, dilute it down until 3 out of 5 tasters can no longer taste it, measure the dilution level and compare with others) and instead of going on the BS scoville ratings stuck on the bottles, they re-order the

If they had really wanted to ring my bell, the twist should’ve been that the victory doesn’t come from: Magic fire, Magic animal-control future-seeing powers, Magic assassin-training, Magic prophesies, mythical creatures; from prophesied heroes, savour heroes, predestined heroes and their inherited weapons; from any

Yep. My 1080i TV (AKA same resolution Sky broadcasts GoT in) is past it, and the capacitors were dying on it a month or so ago. Replaced them, “wow!” I said, “the colours and lighting are so much more vibrant now it’s fixed.”

Nope, it wasn’t a match for this episode. I had to go back to test-patterns and recalibrate