
A great retroactive aphrodisiac.

Why do you think they don't hide it in the middle of a toilet-roll?

He is Ryan Dunn, who has clearly done an Elvis / Kaufman, and is trying to make his presence known covertly through the AV comments section.

And it's a bad point.

That's not what Cartoon Logic means.
That's just stating a concept and then demanding that means it is logically consistent.

Occasionally, Mr Geulincx, occasionally.

The problem, as I thought had been made clear, isn't with the existence of Cartoon logic: It is with Cars having a lack of internal logic, cartoon or otherwise.

"Man gets pissed; gets dragged against his will whilst pissed to a 'facility' out of (I am sure legitimate) concern; is understandably un co-operative about being held against his will in a facility whilst this is exacerbated by being pissed and thus 'gets kicked out'; and then gets arrested for still being pissed

"Blockquote" in HTML tags (so greater-than and less-than symbols).

If the solution to propaganda was simply for someone to politely point out just how and why it's nonsense, it wouldn't ever work – would it?

and it's not like the electorate in 2012 were a bunch of staunch empiricists.

My gut tells me the Seth Rich DNC conspiracy is bullshit, which is all I need…

Most idiocy comes from people applying faulty thinking (and 'gut feelings' rather than logical deduction is indeed faulty; as per any of a list of cognitive biases) to limited knowledge.

Is it "pretty clear" that Remain would win?

As much as I am in favour of remaining in the EU; I can sympathise with the Brexiters when faced with a barrage of self-serving and disingenuous arguments such as these.

Fair enough, but I was minority in the UK I would be pissed Corbin was OK with racism that comes with Brexit.

Being a scientist doesn't mean you're free from cognitive biases or superstitions; it means you follow the scientific method in order to eliminate those from your work.

It sounds like he wanted to be rejected so he could go on this campaign.