
Why would you be interested in a "style guide" if I've already pointed out that they are of questionable value; and you've already conceded that they lack the necessary authority to be prescriptive?

I thought it was lurking around houses in the Chicago suburbs whilst trying to spy on truant students?
Or is that only when the truant student in question is impersonating the Sausage King of Chicago?

Her use of the semicolon is tolerable there.

Anthony Stewart Head? Man time's taken a bat to him!

Who's the musachioed guy who gets flash-framed into the middle (~1:30)? Looks like David Prowse? Wasn't some obscure picture of cash looking weird when super-imposed over Yaog was it?

There is nothing special about humans…other than we exist on the only known planet with life.

I literally sit there worrying sometimes that a meteor carrying alien
bacteria or viruses will crash land and kill everything on Earth.

Look up in the night sky. See those twinkling stars? They're just as far
away today as 2 million years ago when our ancestors were looking up at
them from their tree nests.

Are you suggesting that (ostensibly Conservative) news stations require greater diversity in their pundits?

And he was a dick to Patrick Stewart.

By bodging the reunification of Germany?

He's not as cool as the stuffed tiger he goes on adventures with?

Hannity, definitely Hannity.

Geolocked content again… Thanks for nothing.

No. What ensures The Kid’s guilt for practical purposes, though neither
the prosecutor nor any of the jurors ever mentions it (and Rose
apparently never considered it), is the sheer improbability that all the
evidence is erroneous. You’d have to be the jurisprudential inverse of a
national lottery winner to face so

No. What ensures The Kid’s guilt for practical purposes, though neither
the prosecutor nor any of the jurors ever mentions it (and Rose
apparently never considered it), is the sheer improbability that all the
evidence is erroneous. You’d have to be the jurisprudential inverse of a
national lottery winner to face so

Makes sense; a great deal of Hunt is occupied by Connery, Neill, and even a spot of James Earl Jones.

Hard to say what degree the leading man is responsible; but I still enjoy watching Hunt after seeing it loads of times; I found Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger to be almost unwatchably boring.