
Of course in the UK our Internet histories are now stored for over half-a-year as per a snooper's charter; in the US browsing habits are sold to the highest bidder – thanks FCC; and Internet Freedoms are being cracked down on all the time across the modern world.

Principal Rooney

Heck, what did people do when there weren't VCRs yet?

At the risk of overusing the idiom; the US sure has "doubled down" on right-wing stupid.

That's like being reassured by the fact that the drunk driving a bulldozer so far has only crashed into his own house and given himself a few bruises bashing his face on the steering wheel; yeah, that's not so bad if he stops there, not so great if he aimlessly drifts into the freeway.

That is precisely how I read it.

But you don't find it weird that they give human style stances and locomotion to animals that absolutely aren't bipedal?

Kat Denning's character was the only redeeming element of having Portman's take up screentime in the first Thor movie.

No wonder these guys are anti-intellectual and sniff at academic qualifications if they actually think that meaningless certificates from retail establishments and dropping out of courses equates to attaining genuine qualifications in higher learning.

I did not see the reveal at the end of TUC coming, when really it should've been obvious that the only notable newcomer to the Enterprise would be behind it, so both get a thumbs-up from me.

Lots of things seem like great ideas until stupid people get a hold of them.
Cars, guns, power tools, fast-food menus…

Neoconservatism is an ideology that incorrectly assumes that if everyone acts like ruthless self-obssessed dickheads, the aggregate is a better world.

W. made well-intentioned mistakes.

Discussion question: What should be valued more highly, an artist’s batting average, or the height of his or her peaks?

"Lying about a president to destroy their credibility is the same as telling uncomfortable truths about one" - false equivalence fallacy.

Am I the only person on the planet to quite like K-Pax?

Clinton had every advantage in this campaign.

*Clinton* lost; I didn't lose anything, not even a wager on the outcome.

Right-wing nationalism not withstanding; there's a significant difference between fringe parties gaining traction and media attention and 30 years of a government actually enacting neo-conservative policy - Clinton administrations included in that.