
Being a liar isn't contingent on either left or right-wing ideology.
Publicly announcing your intention to enact protectionist policies is characteristic of left-wing ideology.

I have no idea what nonsense he's going to try / fail to enact; backtrack on enacting; or else cobble-together arbitrarily.

Major cities can't produce much food,

even though she ran on the most liberal Democratic platform of all time

Technically, Trump advocating industrial and trade protectionism is more left-wing than the neoconservative laissez faire / free-market economic doctrine.

It went further than that - Trump actually gained with minorites

You need to remember that the American "centre" is what everyone else in the developed world would consider "right-wing".

this election was a monumental loss.

Yep; whom they judge, jury, and execute as a threat would be more pertinent.

You have to win in the electoral college — and he did.

Hard to imagine the democrats and the states going along with that and thus being able to overturn the constitution very easily.

*require them too much.
Look at how well the independents do without them.

That appears to be a buzzfeed style blog; not a genuine news source.

And this is why we live in a post-truth post-fact world. A complete lack of media literacy.

Ask the UK politician "Nick Clegg" how well that strategy worked for him-and-his in the Coalition government he was a party to.

"record amounts of drone strike" is a testament to one of two things:

I put forward that we treat Quidditch with the same indifference Herzog reacted to Pokémon Go: Do the players kill each other over this game?

That's because the alternative – Social Democracy, a safety net to hold up those who are left behind by technological and economic progress, whilst giving them the support and means to adapt – is politically unpalatable to the US.

The first president to commit genocide - a feat that's not yet been equalled!

I hope that it doesn't remain your choice though because you've seen the
impact that it has on communities when they are shown no sympathy by
others - its destructive and it deepens divides.