
I'd contend that this election is the product of the George W Bush car-crash; combined with an opposition who got blamed for the mess they inherited and thus only functioned as a scapegoat while trying to staunch the bleeding.

How are you going to do that when they've elected a president and both houses of congress who are ideological incapable of delivering such a thing?

My smug-post discussion-group dice kit is available in shops this Christmas.

"Cards against humanity" – a way for unfunny people to have material created on their behalf; and for funny people to have their wit neutered by random chance and narrowly filtered through a complete stranger's idiom.

Yah, the film may have had problems, but the evocative and striking visuals were generally not it; occasional special effect disappointments not withstanding.

This aired in 1967… Spoilers for the conclusion are fine for those of us who haven't caught the episode.

Adblock is incredibly resource intensive, as it's effectively creating a complete duplicate of the webpage in order to provide you with a version stripped of ads. Nearly doubling your browser's resource usage is a pretty heavy-handed way of going about the process.

It was an era when families would still gather around "the wireless".

In the UK most people would assume that the term liberalism, without context, refers to personal freedoms and equal / civil rights rather than market liberalism.

I'd like to point out that Candleshow and the Black Hole were both brilliant too; and despite the yellow-face yellow-peril shenanigans, One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing has a soft spot in my heart too.

Misery (loves company).
Waiting for Godot, oh here he is.

Geolocked content again… Ugh.

It has been the breakdown of the two party system in the UK that allowed
UKIP to rise and secessionist parties to take more than 10% of the
seats in Parliament.

GB2 was under-rated. Yeah it was late to cash in on the hype-train of the first film; but the movie captures this perfectly by portraying the leads as washed-up ex-heroes that are now regarded as frauds and cranks.

Eh… The sources people choose to consult in order to fact-check are largely self-selected; or else dictated by algorithms shaped by their previous browsing behaviour. Depending on how the individual goes about it, it can merely be an exercise in re-affirming bias.

Must be nice to be an immortal whose very life isn't ticking away with every second wasted on this planet; and whose entertainment budget is large enough to waste on inferior products.

Know and love? The bonehead literally knows NOTHING.

It’s just that Game Of Thrones keeps preaching non-violence while
practicing violence. If it has any conviction at all, things like
Ramsay’s execution wouldn’t be quite so satisfying.