
Circular reasoning on your part - you deciding it is invalid due to being a non-sequitur cannot then be used to justify it being a non-sequitur because it's invalid.

It wasn't a non-sequitur; you brought up the difference in terminology to argue lack of knowledge of the topic; I pointed out that ignorance (or indifference) to the terminology has no practical bearing on the pragmatic issues of the topic at hand.

it doesn't take an "expert" to know that a clip and magazine are two different things.

That article stated that no GOP leaders TWEETED about the event using some version of a LGBT hashtag.

He started by pointing out that not a single Republican has mentioned that the LGBT community was the target of the attack. -…

Why does it matter if it was terrorism or a hate crime?

I assume the protests have put due economic pressure on them, correct? If not, why not?

Forces him to employ you, and to not discriminate against you. Lots of employers have employees they dislike on a personal level but can't fire because they've not done anything wrong.

Why would you want to work for a bigoted idiot who doesn't know a good worker when they see one?

I see. the cretin with the gun must just be misunderstood.

The only exceptions are single-action (revolvers, generally), meaning
that you have to physically do something between each shot (cock the

We don't have good data on what will and will not work as far a firearms
regulation, and as much as a ban on the sale of AR-15 rifles feels like
the obvious answer, it may not be.

The problem with this stance is that ammunition is significantly easier to manufacture yourself on-the-cheap (and indeed, to smuggle) than the guns which fire them.

You'd think that the national guard are the epitome of what a "well regulated militia" looks like; warts and all.

Limiting the type and capacity of his ammo does not change the fact he
was on a FBI watchlist and still easily able to obtain firearms days
before the killing spree.

America was founded because the English were taxing its citizens, without giving them a right to voice their opinion.

Car crashes aren't murder. Shootings are murder. Mass shootings are a drop in the bucket in the scheme of things.

Not sure how that contradicts anything I said…
"Obama said..
.. appeared to be …
.. have not found any links …"

"Good job" - he's teaching his granny to suck eggs.

And a lot of people's reactions have solidified something I feared but
hoped wasn't true: a lot of people feel the same way they did about gays
from 15+ years ago, it's just that they've learned to be less vocal
about it.