
The goal of terrorism is to change people's behaviour through fear. If you allow fear to dictate how you conduct your day-to-day life, then the terrorists have achieved their goal.

Septon friendly; but picking up that axe doesn't suggest he's taken up the road of meekness either.
Would be odd for the lesson to learn from his friend dying is to ignore his pragmatic and pacifistic attitude to the faith; and instead adopt the High Sparrow's hardcore fundamentalist zealotry.

By "gotten sued" I meant "successfully" - not merely get served. And if it does get overturned on appeal - that's what that aspect of law is for.

Nah; if Gawker had been doing their job right and operating within the public interest, they wouldn't've gotten sued.

Hmmm, no mention of Daeny's mob or Dorne - in terms of narrative or pacing there's no reason for them to be in focus or there to be any immediate deaths; but do we think that's the kind of double-bluff the showrunners might pull for shocks?

Brilliant film; but it is not enough to wash away the taint that is Michael Bay.

Megan Fox is capable of something you and your puppies could only dream of, you non-miraculous son of a bitch.

It's almost as if an industry churning out generic compose-by-numbers pap lacks originality and thus the potential for the works to be truly unique.

An acquaintance of mine thought it would be hilarious to reshoot an extant bond film with a cast comprised entirely of people with Down syndrome.
I assume it was because of the contrast between source material which presupposes a suave lead.

"Dr. Herbert Kornfeld" - Uh… from Accounts Receivable in Midstate Office?

It's a statement of existential angst. They take detours on their road trip to "suck the marrow out of life", so to speak, and when they get to their climatic destination, they are left with an anticlimactic hangover and nowhere else to go but the grave.

How am I being intellectually dishonest? We're on an article that is about the casting choices of Doctor Strange.

You're being intellectually dishonest by misrepresenting the topic of this conversation.

These excuses really only have weight if they're making an effort to do
things differently with other projects. But how do you explain Ghost in
the Shell? Was that unwinable? Was "21" unwinable?

Crime is the product of a nexus of socio-economic factors - race isn't one of them.

The point I was attempting to make was that if someone is genuinely presented with a no-win scenario, then the people putting him in that position are being unreasonable.

Institutional racism / sexism describes situations where there is systemic discrimination against groups of people according to their race / gender.

Defending the biases and pretending they're acceptable is the problem.