
Sometimes it's something like this, which is valuable for a cultural conversation about misogyny and online harassment,


You're probably right - in so far as the idea that "SJW's"-will-find-an-excuse-to-be-outraged-by-literally-anything is pretty much directly referenced (and attested to) by him belabouring the point that "it was a no-win".

Oh, I certainly agree that it's become overused to the point of near meaninglessness by a lot of the mouth-breathing right.

"but I think some people use it as shorthand for oversensitivity."

Uh, Terrahawks? And don't try pulling any of this "Supermarcromation isn't supermarionation" shenanigans on me; that semantic wrangling won't excuse this omission.

"Unless you own a screening room at your house and invite a hundred
people, it’s going to be rare to see it in the theater with other
- Is he talking about beating off?

Mainly so that we could draw a line under the "here's a junkie, watch them backslide" tropes…

Another day, another delusional post from you.

It's amazing how you admit to nearly every point I make but dodge the
obvious conclusion of those points, sweeping each conclusively damning
argument as a "red herring," "strawmen," "ad hominems". The thing is,
just because you say it doesn't make it so.

You can't stand behind your own words and you refuse to understand plain
words when quoted.

You said, "It is an Authority Fallacy…to reject an argument on the
grounds that you feel the person making it lacks authority."

As I have said so many times, I can address the point that you keep
wailing on, but I don't see the purpose of that

Repeating the same thing over and over isn't a sign that you've accomplished anything.

How old are you? You keep sidestepping that question.

So you once again admitted to one of my accusations.

I have never once lied. Shame on you for saying so.

"Jot?" Did you learn to communicate by reading Agatha Christie mysteries?

"Bluster" - you're the one ignoring that the encyclopaedia says, specifically and in no uncertain terms, that you were wrong.

I don't know how anyone can read your persistent dodges