
"My ignorance, as you call it, justifies your reaction…why?"

What an interesting retcon of what actually happened here.

"The one additional point I want to make concerns you constantly framing
your disagreement in terms of me not speaking scientifically enough or
in my offerings of anecdotal information."

"Bluster and sputterings."

No, what I'm saying is that your intellectual short-comings, and thus the errors you are committing to text, are a far greater sin than me hurting your feelings by pointing them out is.

Of course you find me to be unpleasant:
I keep demonstrating that all you can bring to the table is unsubstantiated claims, logical fallacies, and anecdotes.

"I googled appeal to authority. This is kind of what I'm talking about.
When someone who is anonymous claims authority over a subject, their
anonymity belies any claims to that authority."

Whether or not I experience it is completely irrelevant - my argument wasn't based on something as flawed as biased individual beliefs.

As already explained to you, there can be plenty of differences between two recordings that has absolutely nothing to do with factors like sample-size, etc.

With all due respect - neither does he.
Unless Byrne or his psychiatrist doubles up as a studio-tech who worked on that particular album issue, his judgement of it being "the exact same recording" would be exclusively based on the information that was on the album covers; not any knowledge about the studio process

It's not "a discredited research paper or two" - it's how the fundamental principles of sampling theory actually work.

Bronze-age? Nope.

"No, she's not above criticism, I find her arguments to be a bit too
simplistic and sometimes wrong, but that doesn't mean I have the right
to call her ugly names or send death threats."

There's a difference between "sexy" and "sexist" - despite the latter apparently standing for the former in a lot of the discussion on this topic.

But not so seriously that she actually familiarises herself with them; which inevitably leads her to misrepresent the case in quite fundamental ways.

CDs saw an increase in cost to the consumer in exchange for a medium that was cheaper to mass produce.

Favourite flavour / type of crisps.

Palmer was drowned in a lake. Lake is a slave in Palma.

When it comes to fake difficulty, the tropes that annoy me most are:
When the computer knows everything - whether it's seeing RTS units in fog-of-war, or building units to counter those you're queueing because it's peaked at your production queue, or even bots in first-person-shooters ignoring cover and the like to

But it does go on a bit…