
"For all their style, creativity, and deep variety, Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3 weren’t vastly different than the original Super Mario Bros." - Uh, Super Mario Bros 2 is incredibly different to the other games in the series; it wasn't even originally a Mario game… It involves lots of back-tracking and weirdness that

don't see how someone can look at a promotional item, selling a
specific game, that is obviously sexist and not come to the conclusion
that the game its promoting is probably also sexist.

It is my understanding (and I'll freely say that I am far more familiar with video games than comics) that the diversity of comics (of which there'd be good, bad, and indifferent examples) suffered expressly because of CCA's implementation.

You make a good point about c. lighting techniques, and how that impacts the portrayal of the actors on screen.

Having played the games out-of-sequence (1 > 3 > 2) it has to be Mario Bros 2… I mean yeah, I know now that it was a completely different game shoe-horned into the franchise with a lick of paint on top, but its mechanics are just so incongruous!

I'd imagine that after you spent a long rambling post incorrectly pidgeonholing me as right-wing; after repeatedly using race and gender in a derogatory fashion; and after inadvertently calling Gone Home sexist you have indeed found talking to me "troublesome"…

I can't say I'm an expert on the biographies of any of those people - and I'd certainly say that Jesus is a tough sell given that I'm not convinced he was actually a real person.

So, let me get this straight.
Because you got butt-hurt arguing with idiots, that means that when you behave in precisely the same manner as they do you're magically absolved from all blame?

I most certainly think that sexism exists in the modern era. I think there's some cases where it is both blatant and undeniable (for example wage parity).

Being reasonable is where you apply logical reasoning to objective facts in a rational manner.

Yep, that's the best I've got.

Well, glad that is somewhat cleared up.

and cue the smart-mouth who marginalises contradictory viewpoints as trolling, even when the argument is clear, concise, cast-iron and discrete.

"people DO write about sexism in movies. like, all the time."

*correction: "The Period Monster" said that; confusion on both ends seems to have arisen due to me accidentally posting out-of-sequence - and being accused of a strawman there, rather in the subsequent post aimed at the other user; as mentioned in previous post.

Beside the point of the topic?


"she's looking at the intersection between game worlds and the objectification of women. and hitman has an example of that."

*whoops, posted out of sequence, my bad.

Yes and no. Fair game as in "it's there, so it can be discussed"; but not fair game in that it is peevish to focus undue criticism on what can ultimately be a superficial tangential aspect of the experience.