Sorry, but I don’t have time to waste interacting with your willfully stupid ass.
Sorry, but I don’t have time to waste interacting with your willfully stupid ass.
Good try, but nope. First off, Killer 7 was a PlayStation 2 game. Second, I’m the seventh person to protest the complete inability to delete Kinja accounts by changing my name to match the Account Killer service.
Yeah! That would be awesome! I hope they actually hire somebody funny to work on it.
Fuck that! If you get a chance to squish Spicer with a shoe, that’s not an opportunity you pass up!
Sorry to make you feel worse, but it hasn’t been a couple of years. It’s only been 17 months.
That’s a delightful comment to read first thing in the morning. Keep spreading the Good Word!
Fuck you, Dave. There’s a difference between being opposed to the state of Israel and being opposed to Jews. If you can’t see that difference, please hang yourself as a favor to our species.
Oh, fuck off. Your “say anything bad about Israel and you’re a Nazi” bullshit is so tired as to be completely ineffectual. If you’re too stupid to draw a distinction against disliking the state of Israel versus disliking Jews, then I have to assume you have a nurse helping your eat and get dressed each morning.
All minorities and any country with sufficient oil reserves.
Yup. A HUGE fucking mistake based on Judeo-Christian religious proximity, racism, and some sincerely myopic motherfuckers who were given too much power.
You’re going to need a handle that’s at least legible if you’re going to try to troll like that, you fucking amateur.
Was really hoping this was HamNo’s “They finally shitcanned me” farewell post.
Doing the things a 32 year old can do at 19 is impressive. Doing the things a 32 year old can do at 32 is not.
That’s a whole lot of words to waste on something that is neither important nor alarming.
What kind of unbalanced psycho reads the inside of the wrapper?
I feel for the grieving mother, but isn’t the problem here that her daughter didn’t look closely enough at the packaging? Even a child knows that Reese’s = peanut butter, so it seems less like Nabisco is at fault and more than the mother needs something to blame other than her child’s negligence.
I sincerely hope she spends the rest of her life unable to eat at a restaurant due to the incredibly high odds that somebody’s going to shit in her food.
You should look into the definition of trolling. It’s purpose is to simply anger another person. I’m actively trying to convince you to kill your father. Why are you not getting this?
Who’s trolling? I’m being entirely sincere.
If you really love your father, you’ll smother him to death with a pillow.