Account Killer 7

It certainly matters, particularly given that the next 20 years will see an increasingly rapid exodus from red states toward blue states. If we hope to have a future not ruled by a tiny minority of shitty white trash living in their backwoods hovels, the electoral college must be abolished. Trump’s election is a VERY

I’m gonna have to stop you there.

Anything that kills off Papa John’s, Dominoes, Pizza Hut et al a bit faster and forces the lowest common denominator diners to actually seek out quality food instead of defaulting to shit is a win for humanity.

Fuck your “just accept one call” bullshit. Isn’t this supposed to be the site where you slavishly support women to the exclusion of everything else? At least TRY to live up to your stereotypes.

I’m just here to see how many Musk stans blame this whole “pedo” controversy on Jalopnik’s anti-Tesla bias. The mental gymnastics will be easily Olympic-level.

Your anecdotal evidence sucks.

Why bother even making fun of this fat schlub?

Speaking of which, where are Trump’s tweets?

Nah. My opinions tend not to be the kind of bewilderingly idiotic shit posted by Skip. Plus, a willingness to reexamine one’s own opinions when presented with alternative points by many, many other people is a virtue. Your tone suggests you’re trying to insult me, but you might want to take another shot at this one.

$150 million? Give it a year and you’ll be able to pick it up for $5 million.

In the face of myriad posters calling out your rank stupidity, you’ve decided to double down, huh? Good luck with that.

Sorry you have the patience of a bitchy pissbaby, but investigations tend to take time, particularly special counsel investigations. You should do some research into how long these things usually last.

Only $1.35 million? Fucking ouch. It would be less embarrassing to just light the servers on fire.

Are you willfully missing the point in your rush to paint me as a homophobe, or are you just frighteningly stupid?

Me too. I grew up Roman Catholic. So I’m well aware that Catholics tend to be more liberal than, say, Evangelicals. However, Catholics as a voting bloc stopped leaning Democrat nearly 50 years ago and have spent most of that time voting alongside the majority of the rest of the country. Since 9/11, however, Catholics

Most Catholics are Democrats? And despite being Democrats, those Catholics are going to join the Trump train because a dude kissed another dude?

“If you’re involved in a sort of slimy business, (that) says something about you — says something about how far you’ll go to make money,” Giuliani told CNN.

Prediction: This event will by hyped as a way to demonstrate that Trump is totally cool with Muslims. The press will not be allowed to attend and it will “occur.” Or, at least, we will be told it happened, while no one outside of the Trump administration can say they were there.

Q: If Miss America is not a veiled excuse to ogle attractive women in swimwear, what is it?

Valve seems to forget that gamers — and particularly PC gamers — are repugnant trash people who exist to prove nerd stereotypes correct.