Account Killer 7

Your false equivalency is bullshit.

Yeah, but that’s a bit after-the-fact. As I read it, this pertains to the owners colluding prior to Trump recognizing that picking a fight with black players is a great way to make his white trash base salivate.

I disagree. Yes, Pence would be worse for certain minority groups — women, LGBTQ folk, anyone with skin darker than Wonderbread — but he’s significantly less likely to blunder into a nuclear war to cover up his myriad scandals. For humanity as a whole, Trump is decidedly more dangerous.

Short answer: Impeachment talk is not terribly realistic at the moment, and repeatedly bringing it up only gives Trump grounds to claim he’s the victim.

That’s not fair! Some of them are simply dumb white trash.

Sorry, but there’s no way I’m reading all of that shit.

While I appreciate the decade-old meme, I’m not going to argue with someone who doesn’t understand what “objective” means.

No sandwiches as far as I’m aware, but Obama did make health insurance affordable and obtainable for people like me who suffer from chronic conditions and don’t work for major corporations. Your false equivalency sucks.

Sorry to break this to you, but your mental state is inherently subjective. There’s no way to objectively assess it because your mental state is based on your emotions at any given moment. The best one can hope for are subjective measurements compared and contrasted over time.

The 1980s are to blame. Regardless of political spectrum, baby boomers wholeheartedly bought into trickle down economics and the “greed is good” mantra. It fucked up whatever positive ideals they may have had, transforming all of those progressive, kind opinions into the“fuck you, got mine” ideals of the GOP.

Not me. Look at her existence. Death would be a kindness.

Yup. It’s got the same grammar, style, and tone used by the ghosts who write Trump’s tweets, only cleaned up to make her look a bit less illiterate than her husband.

I was not aware there was still confusion surrounding her long hospital stay. I thought it had been established that she got plastic surgery and required the extra time to heal before appearing in public again, looking like she got plastic surgery. The mysterious, benign illness thing was just a poorly thought out

I’m sure you hear this all the time from your parents, coworkers, and friends, but to reiterate: You should hang yourself for the good of our species.

Eh. I don’t think I care anymore. Fallout 4 was dull as hell, particularly after the significantly better writing in New Vegas. Bethesda knows how to make expansive open worlds, they just don’t have any idea how to make them interesting.

Problem is, there’s simply not 24 hours of news in the day. Without opinions and editorials and all the other bullshit, you can’t keep a network on the air 24/7. The root problem is the idea that we need 24 hour news networks.

As I understand it, a significant portion of the main cast was planning to quit but were beaten to the punch by ABC’s cancellation. There’s nothing left to pick u.

The death of the baby boomer generation can’t come soon enough.

It happens to anyone using an ad blocker. I’d like to think it’s intentionally designed to deter people from using ad blockers, but it’s probably yet another Kinja failure that just happens to have enough positive side effects that they won’t fix it.