You’ve got eyes. Do you even need to ask?
You’ve got eyes. Do you even need to ask?
It appears that many cast members were about to quit when the cancellation came in. I’m not sure there’s anything left to “un-cancel.”
You’re baffled? Let me break it down for you: working class people — particularly rural folk — tend to be gullible, petty, and easily led. They don’t like that they’ve built shitty lives for themselves, so they cling to anyone who promises them a tiny shred of ideological revenge on all those people whose lives are…
ABC just canceled her show:
And ABC has canceled her show!
Your loss.
“White power encourages and protects white power, first, middle, end.”
Say what you will of social media, it’s done an amazing job of exposing bigots, sexual predators, and shitty human beings for who they truly are.
Wanda Sykes just bailed on the show:
“I thought we were trying to be better than that around here.”
The women who have automatically dropped you into the “not fuckable” column due to your tiny stature might disagree with your assessment.
Hey, that’s not a fair comparison! The Nazis were competent adults.
“low I.Q.?”
I hate to dust off the most cliche of internet responses, but please Hamilton, for the good of our species, hang yourself.
Thank you! After that bullshit “Obama Is A Terrible Post-President” shit from the useless Hamilton Nolan, I’m very happy to see this significantly less childish, entitled article.
Good on him. Dealing with the shithead gamer audience is no way to spend your final days.
You’re from Chicago, huh? As long as we’re making completely unverifiable claims on the internet, I’m a wizard with a pet dragon.
And I congratulate those rare beacons of rationality for being slightly less trash than their neighbors. I wish them luck in getting the hell away from their rural backgrounds.
Hey, that’s not fair. There is a VERY significant difference between the ideals pushed by Evangelicals and those promoted by Sharia law: the latter come from swarthy brown people that make old whites uncomfortable.
No, you couldn’t, unless you were being both racist and willfully misinterpreting what I typed. Poor urban America — which is apparently your wink-wink-nudge-nudge euphemism for black people — did not put Trump into office. In fact, they did significantly better than white folks in the “don’t vote for fucking morons”…