Hate to state the obvious, but he made that shit up.
Hate to state the obvious, but he made that shit up.
No, I didn’t. I generalized millions of worthless, dangerous idiots. I assumed that my describing them as a “virus” would indicate that I don’t consider them people, but I’m guessing you’re one of the wastes of flesh I just insulted, so I can see how my point might fly over your head.
You are a crazy person. Maybe dial down the entitlement a bit, you fucking nutbar.
In the middle ages, numerous European monarchs were all kinds of physically and mentally fucked up thanks to efforts to keep their bloodlines pure (read: inbreeding). I’d take any one of them over Trump.
That’s for damned sure. The scariest thing about Trump being elected is just how many Americans have to be dumb white trash for such a thing to happen. Rural folk, the self-proclaimed real Americans, are a fucking virus.
Are a pathetic troll, or actually dumb enough to believe what you post here? No value judgements either way, I just want to know why exactly I should look down on you.
I’m pretty sure there are a number of sites that already do this.
If it wounds her so much, let’s stop calling her a liar.
I don’t know if that’s possible. She’s always been a dumbshit trust fund kid with no professional credentials outside of the man who contributed sperm to her creation.
Can we stop giving Kathy Griffin attention? Her “shrill bitch” schtick should’ve vanished 20 years ago, but people keep quoting her like she’s got some meaningful things to add.
“First off, I never stipulated Democratic. So I won’t abide by it.”
I’ve got $50 says that those “muslim prayer rugs” are actually just foam yoga mats, but the fucking dullards at Fox News can’t tell the difference.
And are you a woman? No? Then shut the fuck up about it, you worthless cunt.
Is this a bit, or are you actually this frighteningly stupid?
Oh, fuck off. Whether you’re trolling, willfully dense, or just a mouthbreathing idiot, you’re utterly wrong.
Can he be fired for acting like a little bitch?
Wait, Kanye had a traumatic brain injury? How have I missed that?
Out lesbians need paychecks too.
The problem is not “people change.” The problem is that old white people reacted to 9/11 by doubling down on all of their worst tendencies. Let’s not sugar coat their dangerous idiocy.
Sorry that you’ve aged out of relevance, but do try to keep up.