Account Killer 7

Pro Tip: If you’re going to make up a fictional spokesperson, try not to name your child after them.

Hey now, let’s not shit on Emma because she’s a kid.

During the Russia probe, they were found out t be with dealing Russia and paying them for facebook ads and false dossiers?

A more accurate headline would read, “Truck Buyers Can’t Do The Math To Realize They’re Getting Screwed”

Let’s just say they provide a unique window into how The New York Times approaches their Hillary Clinton coverage. The reader/listener will be able to make their own judgement about the paper’s motivations and ethics.

Is this a bit?

Too bad no politician would ever vote for it, as it guarantees they’d all be jailed.

Ah, I see. You live in and/or are from the South.

New York doesn’t have a train full of shit sitting in its backyard though, does it?

Pro Tip: If you need an article to explain what to do when you get too high, you should probably avoid drugs. You clearly can’t handle your shit.

And that might be meaningful if the Deep South was anything but a punchline populated by gullible, insular, overly religious idiots who repeatedly vote against their own best interests. As is, they’ve fucked themselves by electing people willing to roll back the regulations that would prevent something like this from

It would be significantly more difficult to shit on them if they didn’t repeatedly vote against their best interests. I’m all out of sympathy for gullible idiots with insular world views who have fucked themselves.

I’d empty quote the shit out of this if that wasn’t terrible etiquette.

True, but recognition of that would require Clinton to possess the self-awareness to recognize just how toxic her personal brand is to everyone outside of those devoted to the idea of having a woman — any woman — as president.

Our president is a bumbling fuckwit, and while I desperately want him out of office, his uncanny talent for choosing the worst possible option in any threatening scenario is pretty damned entertaining. It’s like watching a car wreck, where all the cars repeatedly back up, then accelerate head-on into the wreck again

Let’s be fair: Without idiots, Trump wouldn’t have a legal team.

That’s in no way a fair comparison.

For those who aren’t well versed in crowdfunding, raising less than $15k in 27 days is laughably abysmal. For contrast, this kickstarter in which a guy promises to make potato salad for himself attracted over 6,000 backers and raised ~$55k in 30 days:

What a snowflake.

I’m honestly surprised there haven’t been more feelers put out about banding together to start a third, anti-Trump and pro-rich people party.