Plus, the tire spray would be in a relatively straight line either in front of or behind the tire, not to its side.
Plus, the tire spray would be in a relatively straight line either in front of or behind the tire, not to its side.
We’d be in real trouble if the “thinkers” on the right weren’t so dedicated to proving their idiocy on a regular basis.
As a second-generation Italian-American from a family that emigrated to the US in the early part of the 19th century, I couldn’t possibly give less of a shit about this “slur.”
Something about having kids wrecks the “Don’t be a whiny cunt” portion of a person’s brain.
That’s happening anyway, as the Republicans control each branch of the government. The best counter to that is campaigning heavily, booting these conservative fucks out of office, then legislating all their terrible initiatives into oblivion.
Old white men fear change, film at 11.
... significantly more trustworthy, given that it discloses its conflicts of interest.
What is it about right-wing trolls and writing like particularly stupid, ADHD-riddled children?
People who can’t see the obvious flaws in racist ideology tend to not be critical thinkers.
Unless you outlaw immature young men, the structures of the groups they form are not going to be a huge difference maker.
It increases the likelihood that we’ll read a headline in the Washington Post that reads, “FLOTUS Murders POTUS In Long-Overdue Bloodbath.”
I’m running out of popcorn!
I haven’t seen this much effort to cover up obvious fear and desperation since ... wait, when was Trump’s last tweet?
This “let’s attack the big cities” plan is terrible, even by idiotic GOP standards. Sure, there’s some wisdom in pitting rural folk against the big city liberals they claim to despise (yet secretly envy), but at the same time, alienating the only economically functional part of a state is some damned myopic thinking.
In fairness, I’d happily step on their throats.
I’m just wondering what happens when the decidedly-not-young Soros dies and the world continues to provide evidence that conservative ideals are idiotic bullshit. How will they possibly ignore reality then?
White trash? At a restaurant that unironically chose to call itself “Cheddar’s?”
What I’m consistently appalled by is how many loopholes are just sitting there for elected officials to exploit. Have we really spent ~300 years as a country just assuming the people we put into office won’t be greedy criminal motherfuckers?
What is your favorite kind of crust?
Wow. You’re a sensitive one, huh?