That last sentence contradicts everything else you wrote.
That last sentence contradicts everything else you wrote.
I know this is a radical idea, but how about we save ourselves? Fuck relying on old white rich people to grow a conscience. America won’t improve unless we vote these worthless motherfuckers out of office.
A smoking gun covered in hooker pee with a heart etched into the side surrounding the words “Vlad + Donnie = 4EVR”
Still, Pabon says that the pamphlet has had a negative effect on her son’s perception of himself, saying that he asked, “Mommy, are white people better than me?”
Agreed. I’d also readily accept “Fuck This Bitch.”
“Imagine, gentle reader, sitting next to Sanders as jokes are made at her expense—and as people in the room, laughing nervously at the gravity of it all, await her reaction. I’d rather dine in hell.”
I’m beginning to wonder if humanity is worth it.
Fine, Hamilton, I get it. You need to justify your paycheck somehow and, frankly, you aren’t an interesting enough writer to do it on your own merits. So, you look for absurd shit you can comment on. But sourcing something like this from the New York Post? That’s just idiotic. You may as well have written a story…
What the fuck is a liberal billionaire?
Fine business owners for illegally hiring cheap, undocumented labor?!
Just when you think he can’t possibly come up with an idea more wasteful and ineffective than the border wall ...
That said, Hamilton Nolan is a pompous cunt only notable for building a tiny, meaningless fiefdom amidst the ruins of a shit-tier tabloid, so I’m with you there.
“I’m not saying he’s Mother Theresa or anything, but Glassdoor shows an 86% approval rating as CEO from his employees, and 59% would recommend Tesla as a place to work, which is better than average in this country.”
I have no idea why this surprises you. Every famous murderer has groupies like this. Hell, Charles Manson nearly married a 27-year-old groupie at age 83.
I’m absolutely shocked — SHOCKED, I say! — to hear that the one person on the planet with a personal brand toxic enough to lose the presidency to Donald Trump lacks the self-awareness to realize that she’s an albatross around the neck of liberal politics.
And people who think that attending an Ivy League school means something beyond, “You’re privileged and likely a pretentious cunt,” is likely a pretentious cunt.
What a massive cunt.
Congrats on knowing and repeating exactly one statistic. What’s your fucking point?
I disagree. It DOES have to do that. Because once you remove the gullible idiots motivated by emotionality and myopic propaganda, you lose the support of the wealthy dickheads who cling to conservative values because it allows them to more easily exploit the aforementioned gullible idiots. Without those two groups of…
Let’s take a moment to appreciate that her real, given name is apparently “Caroline Sunshine.” That’s not a stage name, folks. Her parents decided their child should go through life attached to sing-song bullshit that would seem childish to an eight-year-old.