Account Killer 7

I like your optimism, but the rate at which shitty pro gamers are cropping up totally dwarfs other professional sports. Turns out that giving socially-retarded children lots of money and attention turns those children into massive dickheads. Who could’ve possibly predicted that one?

You call that a melt down? This bitch is just parroting the same non answers she always does. This is de rigueur for Duchess Wonkeye.

Who the fuck cares?

Yeah, he did that shit. And even Jesus thinks it’s creepy as hell.

I was with you right up until that “let’s bring back the draft” shit. There’s no way to institute a universal draft — How would you propose that people with Down’s Syndrome aid in the fight? Quadriplegics? Would you want to give a gun to someone with violent schizophrenia or major depressive disorder?  — and since

Still, though. Fuck that guy.

She’s gonna drive Barron into a lake.

Don’t get my hopes up like that.

I give it three years before Kyle Kashuv ditches his “staunch” beliefs in favor of a pretty girl who thinks the bullshit his parents have fed him since childhood is fucking stupid.

Even forgetting that you’d be working for federally-funded jackbooted thugs, who the fuck wants to move to Arizona? It’s as close to The South as a state can get without actually being located in The South.

What an ignorant cunt. Here’s hoping she’s eaten by wolves.

And really, it’s more like 12% of the country voted for Hillary. The remaining 13% voted against our dumbshit child of a president.

Fixed that headline for you.

White Americans haven’t viewed Hillary as a “woman” since the early 90s.

That should probably be “guiding tenet,” unless there’s secretly people living inside Warframe lending insights to the development team.

True, but Gen X grew up with the forebears of modern tech and the majority of millennials are digital natives. They may not understand all of the new tech out there, but they pick it up exponentially faster than their baby boomer counterparts who were well into adulthood when the internet became mainstream. With the

And, don’t forget: The older the candidate, the less likely they are to understand technology, which is a pretty important point going forward.

Hey now, that’s a massive over-simplification! 

Nothing overplayed about it. These sunsetting motherfuckers spent 40 years in power and fucked up the world at every turn. They look back fondly on the idealism of the 60s while forgetting they immediately sold out those ideals in the 70s and 80s. The greatest generation offered an example for baby boomers of how hard

I’ve already posted this in the comments once, but it seems worth repeating here too: