
“Where you only see one mocking comment, it was then that I carried you” —moopidoo

A Modest Proposal:

“If Ivanka’s going to date a man old enough to be her father, it better damn well be me!” - Donald Trump.

This is bananas and I’m here for it. Someone get this man an XM station and a podcast.

Welcome to our cyberpunk dystopia Prime Amazon Citizen.

As a late 40’s Australian Penny Wong is our best bet. Unafraid, unapologetic, feminist, Asian, lesbian mother. Articulate is her middle name.

I think I’ll start introducing myself as “Dar a Luz, Gender Equality Twat”

It frequently goes off by accident and nobody with a will to live puts it in their mouth.

I come from a family of bossy women and only have sisters. When we would ask my dad if we could do something, he’d tell us to ask our mom. My brother-in-law asked my dad for permission to propose to my sister, and my dad assumed that meant he had already asked my sister. After they talked, my dad came out and came up

Full disclosure: I am divorced and my ex asked my dad for permission. At the time, mid 20s me thought it was tradition and expected and was happy about it.

Clearly they are leeching all the “good jobs” that Red Blooded Muricans™️ depend on imaginary Caucasian blue collar workers doing and contributing taxes so that they can keep drawing their own SSI because they have “a legitimate condition (spoiler alert: it’s almost invariably handcuffed to diabetes mellitus or

I was always much more a Jean-Michel Jarre/Vangelis/Tangerine Dream (and Yello/Kraftwerk/Front 242) guy (plus 1980s synthpop in general), rather than the more traditional rock/pop centered around bass, guitar, drums like U2 and tons of other such bands.

Hey I know what I’m talking about. My name begins and ends with “therapist.”


Rats off a sinking ship? He can’t get anything positive from continued association with orange overlord, so he’s going to lie low long enough to claim a break from that regime.

No, I’m pretty sure she’s far more empathetic than the sociopath-in-chief.

Well, it is Sophia’s Choice . . . Sorry, literally couldn’t help myself. I’ll go sit at the table on the other side of the cafeteria now, with all the other dejected and unpopular grays.

My westworld dream is that some idiot would mistake me for a robot, and I would go along with their kink, then I would laugh at them and go “now a real human knows your kink, why didn’t you just join fetlife or something you dummy”

And did she declare her intention to work a few years, and then gracefully retire in favour of male (sic) androids, and becoming a baby machine?