
That’s all well and good, but you don’t actually have to wait for a blizzard to eat your fellow townspeople.

And their recipes!

What a pantaloonatic!

Yeah, but if you look at our Congress for the last 10 years, you’d know you were wrong to think that!

This verbiage, though it describes something repulsive, has warmed my heart. Thank you.

We already have those! lol

And as we’ve been learning, most of the law doesn’t apply to anyone currently in power!

And all the ivory business cards in the world.

This is toooooo perfect. There is really no comment to be made.

And also the question: how can one have a double chin when one doesn’t have any chin?

Scientific question: what do you think Ted Cruz’s O face looks like?

I’m not entirely sure his hair was even excusable in 1988.

You know it’s going to be full of one book: The Art of the Deal, and that it’s going to charge you every time you rent it.

This really deserves more stars.

She will definitely resolve the Cattrall-Parker Cold War within two weeks of taking office, so that we can all go back to brunching and dishing on our sex lives. Vote Nixon!

In the circumstance, I only ask all of us to think of the poor log.

Certainly not intended to be ageism at all. More a comment on the fact that they’ve somehow made another 50 shades movie, which has an ice cream scene involving a vagina (a terrible idea that thankfully, I guess, wasn’t consummnated ultimately). And I feel - even though this is supposed to be the last film - like I

But, as the last line in the article points out, they all have those wonderful retractable tongues.

*raises hand

Exactly, except the Lifetime Movie Version. Christian Bale is/was - at least for this role - in a league of his own with the looks/psychoticism balance. Dunior’s like a community-funded version where they could only pay for the psychotic part.