
It probably helped that she kept her mirror in New York for so long.

Yeah, or like....put THE FRUIT on THE BOTTOM!!!

Yogurt what you pay for.

I can’t *WAIT* for 50 Shades of Over 50 to incorporate this in-between some AARP abusive role play! Because you know some pH levels got messed up with that ice cream scene in the one that is out now.

Haha; no, just referring to the baby that Jen’s been “pregnant” with since roughly 1997, according to whichever tabloid you’re reading on whichever day. No actual real news. All fake news.

Yes! And adding insult to injury, you KNOW he’s not doing it in a fun, kinky way.

Well that just makes me want to punch the wall on your behalf. God.

Don’t insult horses like that!

I have to agree. Even a broken cuckoo clock...

Hey! Ain’t nothin’ wrong with bein’ a slut! But there’s plenty wrong with being in any way professionally, or just phallically, attached to the current administration. :)

Pope Flix. Amen.

And meanwhile, the White House is fucking the rest of all of us!

I’m glad things are looking up for you in terms of all the surrounding factors, and wish you guys happiness :) . Thanks for shedding some light on your experiences.

That’s awesome (I mean that; not typing in a condescending way) - thanks for sharing your experience :) I was hoping there were at least some instances people could talk about where it wasn’t all super stressful.

Touche; I’m sorry to hear of that horrible experience.

I mean, I hold the Kardashian family to an entire different set of standards: they are made of magic I have no hope of understanding as a mere mortal.

I can’t wait until she gives birth to a 36-year-old! News at 11.

Thanks so much for that. It makes total sense (not that I need it to for it to be valid for you, of course).

Got it. Thanks for sharing - especially as I know it’s personal. It’s so interesting (luckily, I say that from a distance of not having to deal with the emotional fall-out) how much people (not saying you) buy into those really traditional assumptions - both about a person’s role and about how much they can nose their

Thank you for replying :)