
Thanks for sharing your experience, @Hermit. I’ve definitely heard that OTHER people’s expectations get really different - and really nosy, it seems - for couples after marriage.

“Weed is cool again!” quoth she, instantaneously making weed no longer cool...again.

I wonder if the Cj stands for anything or if it’s literally just “Cj”.

Yeah: deep under Olivia’s covers, from the looks of it. At least until they broke up and he had child services trailing her ass.

If I can ask - and if this is too direct, I will offer sincere apologies - but, as someone who somewhat considers themselves a potential career singleton, what do you think accounts for that difference when you’ve been with someone forever? Like, say, 14 years together and then the first two years of marriage are

Yeah, this is not said judgmentally in any way whatsoever, but I always do wonder what is going on in those quick divorces. Like, what are the signs and the internal (and external) dialogue you’re seeing and/or not’s endlessly interesting to me from a non-moralistic human behavior sort of way. And also

Actually, according to the tabloids, there may be a child...

And here is where “Tate Donovan” actually would work...

To answer your question: Tate Donovan! ‘90s represent what what??!!

“If you like pina coladas...

I think Ivanka has fucked Quincy...and all of us.

don’t insult trees like that.

I fact, I think there’s a website...

“She was a defective incubator, so now she’s on the sidewalk waiting for waste management.”

Or maybe... Handmaid’s Tale-levels of child harvest from all the people who, due to a lack of a solid healthcare system, aren’t in the best position to take care of them. All it takes is a bunch of assholes like this couple to potentially coerce someone who is down-and-out into adoption in order to secure one of the 7

Seconded on the piece of shit thing - I’m wondering to what ends the little one will grow up with her adoptive parents regularly telling her how much her biological mother didn’t care about her. That’ll be GREAT for mental health. But then...being raised in a family that seemingly supports Trump enough to trot

I love it when you talk royal husbandry.

And then, god help us**, a black, atheist, single mother, lesbian president.


#1, Marney darling, if you were truly proud of your heritage, you’d realize it’s THE WHITES who are normally invading everything and ...