
Three blades of wheatgrass split between 20 of my closest business associates is one of my most favorite experiences in life, too!

I mean, grain silos ARE highly suggestive.

Sometimes all at once!

In my experience, most men in urban areas still try to get out of wearing condoms, no matter how casual the sex.

Oh yeah! As a child of the 90s, I was around an untold number of girls who saw high school as a way to find a husband. Like, the expectation was that all of us girls looked forward to the end of high school because THEN we could get married (presumably to the dude we were already getting down with). And children would

Convirgin therapy!

So basically the same roadblocks as sex things!

Might you please tell me how I too can get hit on by Jeff Goldblum?

But...I’m drawing a blank...

Totally. Yeah, I am definitely aware that that “tradition” matters to some people, at least at different moments of their lives, so really to each their own at the end of the day, and all due respect. But I’ve always had such a hard time seeing it as anything other than offensive; at least inasmuch as anyone I was

Ha! See? I just can’t understand the assumptions I’d have to make to think it was perfectly OK for person A to ask me (first, or even at all) if it was all cool if they asked person B. It’s so wacky to my taste! I’m always open to different perspectives, of course.

She’s addicted to Krak....owski!

Particularly when it also includes the man asking the future-father-in-law beforehand whether or not he can even ask the woman to marry him.**

honestly. she’s such a self-purported novo-feminist, you’d think she’d have figured this out.

I know I will NEVER be happy with my husband, unless I know I publicly guilted him into an engagement, repulsed him with an entire series of themed showers and sprinkles beforehand, and then dragged him down the aisle. A diamond may be forever, but so is coercion.

And yet...I still don’t think even THAT would do it.

OMG. The World War II Against Christmas that will begin when THOSE things turn red!

Or to Bono.

He might also note that (if memory serves) Rock & Roll was more or less invented by women - of color - so the entire reason he and “his genius” and all other men have a rage outlet is because of women. And btw, Bono, I wouldn’t classify U2's music as “ragey”. I mean...I don’t exactly soundtrack my angry moments with

No shrinkage, apparently.