
Also, according to Merriam Webster, one definition of “sacred” is “devoted to only one type of use.” I think this might be how he means it. You know, baby incubating.

I mean, my reaction to what he said is just “OK, Pepaw.” Of course, when my own pepaw spewed this shit, the most he risked was pissing off any of the 2 people who happened to passively overhear his nonsense.  

So then...which one of them is responsible for those goddamn towel charms?

Into that great, endless crevasse spilled the seed of humanity! Men came and came and came, promising a future of perennial mortality! It was our punishment, as humans, to never learn from our own sins, destined to repeat them intergalactically as we spread across the Milky Way, under the watchful eye of Our Daddy.

Mike Pence is a:

Well according to an earlier poster, maybe he couldn’t trust his penis around a bunch of sweaty, athletic colts...

Um, how many taxpayer dollars did I just have to pay to fund Mike and Mother’s faux-counter-protest flight??!

Good thing for the Colts that he left early, then, amirite???!

To add reality, “at night, all cats are annoying goddamn hooligans.”

Cetaphil bar soaps for sensitive skin; I’ve also had some luck with natural soaps (olive oil based, non-fragrance) but my overall skin doesn’t have HUGE eczema problems so I’m not sure if I’m recommending useless stuff. You can also try California Baby or a couple of the other baby eczema soaps too?

Um...the “60% more fairness” in that skin lightening ad actually makes me think it’s a comment on how much more fairly society will treat her with lighter skin. can expect more fairness...and more fairness.

Technically not making S&TC3 IS proper disposal of hazardous waste. But I understand what you mean. ;)

I mean if Congress won’t do it, why should Kim Cattrall?! The nerve!

And for the world.

It’s not a toooomah! It’s a stuffed ballot!

I’m fairly sure the “criminal activity” is simply being black.

Also see: the government is terrified of black people.

Hmm...I wonder if there is a corollary....

In the same way life is sacred until actual expulsion from that scary lady parts hole*, and then fuck it. Whatever ideology might have originally separated Republicans from’s not the ideology currently realized by the ruling portion of the GOP.

“You’re already a sexual harassment victim. Don’t be a fashion victim too! Marchesa.”