
That would be sort of brilliant, no offense to Kim Cattrall.

Right? But they’ll greenlight a Hocus Pocus remake!

Kim will get hers!!!! And I adore her for it. Yomma kippee yabo 4lyfe!!

Honestly. Poor Marilyn.

Nearly-sure-to-fail reboots of already-classics are definitely what we should be spending money on instead of, oh, I don’t know...greenlighting projects from a diverse array of people of color/varied socioeconomic status/sexuality/gender expression/imagination!

OMG. Just OMG.

She’s something!

Right??? Lol


Oh totally. I just think that - if what it sounds like is what it is - having a daily check-in call with Lyle Menendez is may be the most bizarre approach to promotions. But we live in the Upside Down now so what do I know?!

I just retched a little with that title!

I have GIF empathy all the way. Pretty much all day every day these days. It just comes across as something... I dunno.... I’d expect to see in some perfectly brilliant and tactless John Waters script/David Lynch Diane riff and I just can’t assume that’s why she’s doing it... “Lyle, the pie here is absolutely

So on that note, and full disclosure: I don’t/won’t/can’t watch this ... what the hell is this Lyle Menendez thing? Does she have a “Calling Lyle” segment every day like 60 Minutes used to have Andy Rooney???

Nobody wants to see a sad clown!

To be fair, sometimes I forget that Florida is even in the same universe.

Those last two lines actually apply to any circumstance in which a clown has been hired to do anything.

The same sort of irony when people who yammer on about the sanctity of life do everything they can to not support or protect that life as soon as it is born...or when people who yammer on about the sanctity of heterosexual marriage get busted with same sex partners or underage victims...or when people who yammer on

I thought we already had this covered with Union Square squirrels?!

“Crime-sniffing dog, do you ever actually GET to stop and sniff the roses too?”

“Jeffrey Dahmer, when did you decide to eat that first person?”